Speaking of trades, can't complain on the reasoning behind Nunez for Mejia, but I for one will miss seeing Nunez around. He's come into his own this year, a career season so far, and how long he can keep it up or how it may change with the Giants and the National League, who knows? But this year, playing half a season with a bunch of flagging prospects and stiffs, he's been a breath of fresh and its been fun to watch him play, I like his style and attitude. I wrote him a letter over the weekend to tell him so. That's only the third time I've ever written a letter to a professional baseball player. The first was to Mickey Mantle, who replied with an autograph and poster, and the second was to Frank Viola, who said nothing after I ragged his ass for having a bad year with the Red Sox and ruining the pitching stafs on my fantasy baseball team.