Just got back from retrieving carless/carfree - or was it careless/carefree?....(no, no, no, the first one) grad student daughter from Winnipeg. Tuned into 'CCO on the way back. Missed a bunch of the action when we transitioned from the car to home sweet home. Finally turned on the game, just after BB homered. I think I have a man-crush on Joe Ryan.
Side note:
Squirrel, how in the name of all that is right and good and true in the world can you lump hotdogs and brats in the same choice for ballpark food? They are separate categories. Yes they are both encased in digestive tract material, but hot dogs are pure and simple. With brats, like sausage, we may not want to know what goes into them but they are delicious.
I demand a recount.