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Everything posted by bustedstuff88

  1. Actually, That dram died sometime in the very early 1970's. You dont get mega rich by pulling at your bootstraps anymore. An argument could be made you never actually could and that was just a carrot on a stick illusion even half a century ago created by the mega rich to get the poor to work harder for them in their factories.
  2. Because you need to give something to get something, and to keep him would A) clog up a second base spot that could go to other (cheaper) prospects, and b) because his value has likely peaked, so its a sell high type situation.
  3. This isnt always true.....PLENTY of times this season alone I have tried to listen to the twins games on the Audacy app for WCCO 830 AM and im greeted with a repeating female voice saying that "Becasue im out of the broadcast area I need to tune into my local outlets to enjoy the game".....Mind you, I live just south of Mankato, MN.......... The hoops MLB fans need to jump through just to consume the product is mind numbing...It really is no suprise plenty have already declared FCK IT IM OUT and jsut stopped paying attention. Is that what you wanted, MLB? Cuz thats what your getting.
  4. Author lost all credibility when they suggested CC as a trade candidate
  5. Why California and Texas, 2 of the biggest Covid hotbeds? Why not a site in middle america? Seems way more neutral than shoving everyone west. I have a feeling the coastal teams (Dodgers, Pads, Stro's) will end up dominating in the post season if for no other reason than the comfort factor. Doesnt even bring up the potential for any player who has to travel west now who may contract the virus....Not that this wasnt a risk before but its also been pretty contained (west playing west, east playing eastm central playing central) and now we are throwing everyone together in a "safety bubble"....im just gonna be awful disappointed if we lose critical pieces to covid at *essentially* the only time this year that it matters.
  6. Why do people keep saying the Indians are still our biggest threat? To me this doesnt really make much sense....They are definitely weaker now than they were at this time last year.
  7. 110% this. I think we all need to shed the attitude now of the team being cheap. That narrative no longer holds a drop of water. We've crossed the threshold. Let us now rejoice that we have a deadly lineup. Let us believe we now have a chance against the freaking Yankees in the playoffs. NEGATIVITY BREEDS NEGATIVITY FOLKS. Im done with the MN perpetual pessimism....GO TWINS!
  8. Although I mostly agree with the sentiment, I think now we are fully within our rights to be beyond frustrated with how this offseason has been handled. Yes, I know its not over. Yes, I know we can spin this in other directions. But the fact remains that as of right now, we are coming back with the same rotation in 20 as we did in 19 less a gibson, and the FA pitching market has now been tapped and we still have millions we could have (SHOULD HAVE) spent
  9. Dang good move here. We will quietly have one of the best pens of '20
  10. Ive heard commentary about JD being a less than ideal personality....can anyone corroborate this? If so, do we still want him? One thing the Twins undoubtedly have going for them is club house chemistry....would be a shame to have that shattered by an outside ego coming in.
  11. Every time the topic of trade comes up, im always floored at the proposed scenarios....In almost every case, I leave feeling like the twins are giving too much in said scenarios. Then the real trades actually go down and its Deleno Deshields for Corey Kluber.....It almost never is what people think.
  12. Mauer's contract also was a great example of why these protracted mega deals ALWAYS look dumb in the end.... The same will be true of Trout, Harper, Cole, Strasburg, Rendon in years 5,6,7 and beyond....just as it did with Joe Mauer. Point being, you sometimes need to sign the "stupid contract" to move the needle. Now we need to show we are willing to do it more than once in a lifetime for a hometown slam dunk allstar at a premium position.
  13. If the weather excuse is indeed our biggest enemy, then I say take the $$$ we arent spending on players this year and put a retractable roof on TF. Problem solved.
  14. I believe the answer (as Aaron Gleeman stated in the most recent podcast) is that multiple factors are at work here...The proportions of those factors to one another is I think whats debatable. Its some combo of: Lower offers coming from MN, The percieved notion that this is not a "destination" (and within that are contained the "culture of losing" and the atmosphere in general in the frozen north/flyover state/nothing here....fill in the blanks). There are probably other factors too but those to me are the biggest ones. Still, not any amount of excuse is going to appease this fan base right now. Are we pissed? Yes we are. Will we go from pissed to burnign the place down come spring if nothing has happened? Best believe it.
  15. We went from cautiously hopeful to having our backs up against the wall pretty quickly this offseason.
  16. So your plan then is to essentially trot out the same rotation in 20 as you did in 19 less Gibson?
  17. No, no and NO. Arraez isnt getting traded......If he did, we would get fleeced no matter who the return was.
  18. Im not trippin.... I feel like the recent moves by the pale hose will blow up right in their faces before too long.
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