First, nobody has to keep anything to themselves by your decree, because it offends your sensibilities or you don't agree with. That's an asinine statement. Second....Sure, the MLB is such an upstanding organization, and would never do anything to tilt the scales towards the highest possible revenue stream (aka large market teams). Were you in a coma for a decade during the steroid debacle, which literally took an act of congress to stop? Literally everything in this country from Wall-Street, to banking, to government contracts, to your local zoning, to the banana you had with breakfast, are rife with corruption. I see it every day (I'm an auditor in the special investigations department of a governmental entity. CIA, CFE certified. I'll defer to you if you have more experience/credentials than I). Sure, maybe everything is on the up and up, but totally dismissing it as a nutjob conspiracy is ridiculous. Just because you can't see the forest for the trees, doesn't mean they don't exist. It's that attitude that permeates the greater American consciousness, and enables. I'll bet you thought your Enron stock was legit, and any mention otherwise was nutjobbery.