I know comments like the one I just made regarding buxton are verboten on this board and thread, but at some point he's going to have to start making progress at the plate. Like real progress. Not "he hasn't k'd in 2 games" progress. A less highly touted guy would not be shown a fraction of the patience he's been shown considering how bad he's been.
I think, at this point, if buxton turns out to be even half the player he was projected to be, it would be one of the biggest turnarounds we've seen. He has been nothing short of brutal offensively in his time at the bigs. Like ba-rutal.
Oh god, they're really making a tv series about the first woman to play in the majors? Good thing it's not about people who play LIKE girls. You'd just have to pop in our 2016 yearbook. I kid I kid
It looks like all the warm tingly feelings we had before the ASB are long gone. Back to our old stinky ways. Buxton hitting .200 again. He's going to need to have a phenomenal last 2 1/2 months to convince me he's not going to be a bustaroo. Sano still struggling more than he should at this point. Not looking good these last 4 games.