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About GP830

  • Birthday 08/30/1986

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  1. I wonder if the Nats would be open to trading Joey Meneses. He’s a right handed 1B/OF who had a WRC+ of 156 in 240 plate appearances last season, as well as 13 HRs. The Nats aren’t close to contention and may be open to moving him for some prospects. I hadn’t seen his name mentioned, and so I wanted to gauge others’ thoughts.
  2. Despite the trade score being very even- this ***feels*** like a massive underpay. Curious on everyone’s thoughts.
  3. I’m willing to believe that Heyman or Boudon’s reports could be Boras plants, though I’m skeptical. I refuse to believe that Dan Hayes or ken Rosenthal would be involved in that type of ploy. These are two of the best, most connected, and reliable.
  4. TBH, This week has felt awful to be a Twins fan. I realize that the signing of one specific player shouldn't be what my fandom rests on, but that's where we are. Gleeman has said that Falvey has had a tendency to pull rabbits out of hats in the past, but I don't really see how it's even possible anymore. You pay for FA's so that you don't have to cut your current team to improve, and well--here we are. The 2022 CC signing felt like a huge exciting step for the org, the new uni's and ownership felt like a new era. But I honestly just feel hurt and disappointed that we are where we are. I can't imagine a trade that would have any significant benefit to ML roster that wouldn't involve Lewis, Lee, Kiriloff, Miranda, or any of our other young core. Thus making it lateral regardless. I'd love to be somehow proven wrong. But here we sit, once again, feeling like the laughing stock of the league for having the audacity to hope that things had changed.
  5. To be clear, I'm not mad at the contract. I think that the market is what the market is, at this point. I'm frustrated that looking at what the market is, the powers that be don't just say "I guess that's what the going rate is on this thing that we so desperately need. Good thing we're billionaires" and gotten it done. The fact that other teams are just paying the price is so frustrating.
  6. I'm immensely frustrated this morning. This is a bit stream of conscious, so heads up: This might be sour grapes at this point, but I don't know how the team will proceed in meaningful way after Correa has signed elsewhere. I don't have much faith that Dansby will scratch the itch of the fanbase, and even if they get Dansby and Rodon, it seems like a fools errand to try and replace what they had HOPED C4 would be for the remainder of his career. All that said, I have legitimately no faith that they will sign either. Additionally, I've never felt worse about being a "non-mega market" fan in that these contracts are simply outrageous, and virtually impossible for anyone aside from the coastal juggernauts to sign. I don't see how the team can meaningfully pivot at this point and accomplish anything near to what they had hoped to achieve with CC. Say they whiff on Dansby and Rodon (I suspect they will), a full scale rebuild might be the only meaningful path forward, I'm afraid. Any significant trade would require giving up current building blocks that would further stunt the chances at meaningfully competing. I'm tired, and I'm bummed. The rich get richer and the frustrated get more frustrated.
  7. Now we're talking! Did you create this????
  8. I'll also point out that this is the 3rd scripted "Twins" logo in team history. I'm not sure a new one was necessary.
  9. I've been really excited about this reveal, and feel very disappointed by these projected looks. A few thoughts: Instead of creating a more modern look to appeal to the younger crowd, it looks like they're trying to appeal to the "sailor man" crowd. The script genuinely looks like it says "Turns," with a dot over the "r." This is really only one inventive photoshopping away from it saying "Turds," with a dot over the "r." There's nothing more modern about this look in my eyes. In fact, they look like fake throwbacks, which is the worst type of throwbacks. I had a number of ideas that I believe would have been much more innovative, unique and interesting than these. I have been a defender of the Kasota Gold as well as the home navies (which I loved). Hoping that we see something more exciting on Friday.
  10. Continued from the closed thread: Is he a future Twins Hall Of Famer? He hit over 40 bombs once and was the face of the franchise for a period of time.
  11. I'm sure Bauer is worth what he'll get paid, but at this point, with only 2 teams left, I think the Twins, being where they're at in the competitive window, would be remiss to not check back in with him, and show him they're serious.
  12. I wonder if his showing this spring has changed his standing in the orgs long term plans???
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