While that has some merit in baseball, it cannot work in religion. It's a popular opinion for many but it's wrong. Jesus never took a vote with the disciples. Mohammed never had a focus group. Moses shared with the Lord the complaints of the people but it never dictated what was to be done. That was God.
Where Smietana (and many) miss the mark is that the issue is education. There are many "recovering Catholics" in the world (meaning people who struggled with the Catholic church for whatever reason and left). But most people who leave the Catholic faith do so because they are poorly educated about the Faith. I think this probably applies to the denominations as well. If someone is following a church, whether it be Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, or Islam, they do it because they believe that their faith is the "True Faith" and therefore contains "The Truth". While society will change, objectively speaking "the Truth" can't change. Otherwise it wouldn't have ever been true.
You can market faith but only based on the Truth.
Also Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Blessed Passover to others and Blessed Ramadan as well.