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tobi0040 last won the day on May 31 2016

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About tobi0040

  • Birthday 04/23/1983

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  1. With the addition of Rodney and Reed, the pitchforks were not really justified for letting guys like Bard go.
  2. I think you start by asking what his defense is worth a year. Then add speed in the bases. If you quantify those things, 6-80 makes a lot of sense. The Twins are protected from this deal being a flop even if he has an OPS of .720 through the life of the deal. Heck, if he is a 2-3 WAR player defensively and 1 WAR is worth $7m a year, then it sounds like a huge bargain.
  3. With regards to what is wrong with Sano as a DH type, the issue is his value as a DH. Ortiz has a career WAR of 55 and he played 19 seasons. It looks like his peak is a 3-4 year stretch where he was accumulated about 18-20 WAR. Then he bounced around between 2-3 WAR per season. So if you take that into account with what it will likely take to re-sign him I think it should be explored.
  4. Their is a downside to the wait until the allegations pass and "don't sell low". Doesn't that assume it doesn't get worse? If more women or chatter comes forward, or if the MLB tries to get in front of their #metoo movement and make an example out of Sano then his value would fall quite a bit more. I am not saying these things will happen, but they could.
  5. Never say never. I think he has no chance to re-sign here. He has weight/defensive issues. The allegations, which could grow. If we can get 85-90 cents on the dollar I would consider it.
  6. Culture shock is the only thing that can describe my state of mind. Donald Trump had more than 10 women accuse him of sexual harassment of some sort. Unwanted sexual advances where he was told no and didn't listen. Those women were all called liars. Then he was on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, and 3 weeks later 62 million people voted for him. Roy Moore, more than 10 women. Some minors at the time. They are called liars. Almost wins a senate seat. I am 34, so I am not sure how widespread and known the accusations against Bill Clinton were. But again more than 10 women. He and his wife discredited and shamed the women and he wins an election and gets re-elected. I fully understand why women hesitate. It keeps getting re-enforced that many people don't care and some will not believe them even if they don't know either party. As a father of an 8 and 9 year old, it makes me sick.
  7. An accomplice is someone who helps another commit a crime. An example would be a lookout for a robbery. This is not that. I applaud the folks at Twins Daily for taking a stand here, based on their first hand relationship with the accuser.
  8. Due to the gravity of the accusation, if you have never met Sano or the accuser (like me), it is probably best to sit on the sidelines and not offer up an opinion based on who you believe. And I really hope we all stop questioning why women don't come forward sooner. Their are literally a million reasons why they are hesitant to do so and all of them are legitimate reasons. That is a terrible spot to be in, if true, to no fault of her own. Let's not make their life more difficult. They really don't need it.
  9. when you factor in the picks of free agent guys (outside of Darvish), I think I prefer the trade market. If you compare signing one of the guys for 4-80 or 5-100, you pay the money and lose a pick. With a guy like Cole, you lose prospects, pay less money, and potentially gain a pick if he does not re-sign here. The swing between losing a pick and gaining one seems like a pretty big deal. Just remember the pick we got for Cuddy turned out to be Berrios.
  10. I am excited about the class. But I am not sure we should put much stock in early promotions relative to previous draft picks. This is I believe a philosophical difference between the new and old regime.
  11. Agree with Chief. We should move away from hoping we get help from AAA/AA and take the approach that any help would be a bonus. Go out and spend $10-12M total a year on 2-3 7-8th inning guys with solid track records. They are typically in the 1-3 year range.
  12. It seems unlikely Lewin Diaz would get picked. He is 20, with a .757 OPS in low A. I don't seem how a team hides him on their MLB roster all season. He is a 1B/DH, from a flexibility standpoint he would literally kill their bench all year.
  13. It is hard to say in a vacuum. We don't know what was on the table for either guy, or in the case of Dozier what sort of contract dollars and term he would look for past next season. You could make the case that next years rotation has promise with Ervin, Berrios, Gonsalves, and Romero. And we have a pretty weak division.
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