And please note, nowhere in my post did I advocate intentionally hitting someone, because I don't. It's not about me deciding what makes someone a jerk, and it's not about what's inside my head, it's about social mores. It used to be that bullies weren't jerks, they were just part of life. Maybe baseball should be less sensitive, that's up to them to decide. But you can't just say that baseball culture doesn't matter, or is stupid, because it's a culture. Maybe it should change. That's up to them. When Jeffrey Leonard did his famous "one flap down" slow trots following home runs in the mid-80s, the baseball world went nuts. Now that's nothing compared to some of the other mini-celebrations. Cultures change. The point about walk-off wins is a good one. I bet 25 years ago there were no celebrations like that. Now there are, and they seem like the equivalent of winning a division- seems over the top to me, but it's not my culture. At least that celebrates a team accomplishment that ends a game, rather than a good swing of the bat (or a terrible pitch) in the third inning. I think those are different things that merit different degrees of satisfaction.