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Ricky Vaughn

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Everything posted by Ricky Vaughn

  1. I get wanting to keep him healthy, but most of his injuries haven't been caused by wear and tear. Concussions, broken hand and foot, migraines, crashing into the wall. Last year was really the first of what I would call a wear and tear injury. His knee hurt when the season began last year. Was it caused because he pushes so hard in the off season that he never gets a chance to heal?
  2. Looks good so far. The fact he did so well with a wooden bat is a plus. If your a team that needs to depend on home grown talent then you need to be able to pick out the good players in the lower rounds. The Twins have been able to do this in the past. Its the early picks they have struggled with, but it appears they are getting better in this regard too.
  3. At least publicly Rocco and the front office are on the same page as to how things should be done. The front office also seems to be convinced of their genius intellects. If they fired him they would need to admit they made a mistake, I don't see that happening short of a clubhouse rebellion.
  4. He's the manager I respect the most in MLB. I think he is responsible for several more wins every year. Rocco has gotten better but is still mediocre at on field managing. He must be great in the clubhouse as the players seem to support him. As far as rivals go has to be Cleveland. Chicago has lots of talent but just don't seem to play well together. perhaps the new manager will help that. I have to see it first though.
  5. If our whole bullpen fit this description we would have a top three pen.🙂 I agree with others here about the starting rotation going longer in games.
  6. Baldelli uses so many different lineups I don't know if one can be picked out. having said that I think Polanco will be in the four hole more than most.
  7. Have to admit when the Twins traded for him I was a little skeptical. Tampa hardly ever makes a mistake on pitching. He has been terrific though. If what he did last year is as good as it gets the trade was a steal for two months of Nelson Cruz. After watching him last year I think there is room for growth.
  8. Not knowing who the #5 pick will be, I will stick my neck out and say Yasser Mercedes. he should be in high A or AA by then so his star will be shining. (I hope)
  9. Nice article. I knew Mahle had been to Driveline but not Ryan. Hopefully the extra work pays off for them.
  10. Just throwing this out there. I have no special insight. Is Farmer unhappy with a utility role, and has quietly requested a trade?
  11. He's not on the 40 man. That's a big hurdle, but if he's effective and looks like he can help, the FO will find him a spot. If they have to pay him he'll get a shot if he looks good.
  12. I think the problem is between his ears, not his pitch selection. He did well at the end of last year pitching in low pressure situations. lets see what he does with the game on the line. Wait, forget that just keep using him in mop up situations.
  13. Megill still has options left. Send him him down and when one of the starters goes down (odds are it won't take long) bring him back up. I know Ober didn't pitch much last year but he was effective when he did.
  14. I still think the Twins go with a 6 man rotation, so Ober stays as the sixth man. We started with six last year and we still have a bunch of fragile arms in the rotation.
  15. If he would take $1m with some incentives thrown in, it would be worth the risk. That way if he doesn't work out the urge to hang onto him and fix him isn't great. I say do it.
  16. Excellent take on things. The only place I disagree with you is Randy Dobnak, If he is healthy and the need arises I think he goes right behind Ober. There paying him 1.5 million this year so If he's healthy and pitching well and the team needs a starter hes going to be used. Also you are absolutely right about Caitlin Clark, She's a human highlight show all by herself.
  17. I don't know if Pagon is fixable. My gut says no, every time he was in a big moment he would lay a pitch right down the middle. When I think about Lopez all I can see is him giving up a game losing hit and being on his hands and knees beating the pitching rubber. Is he unable to control his emotions. As Gaetti once said, Its hard to play when both hands are around your throat. I think both these guys have that problem.
  18. The Twins moved him around a lot in 21, trying to find a home for him. Last Year he was at 2nd base exclusively, except for a few games as the DH. Looks like they have decided 2nd is his home and are going to leave him there.
  19. Even if Ryan's arm fell off tomorrow, the Twins did ok on this trade. Joe supplied a lot of innings last year for a team that was desperate for them. Nothing Cruz did would have helped the team more. I agree with Dr Gast about him coming back some day as a coach.
  20. I think they will go with a six man rotation again this year. Even though it didn't last long last year it seemed to work, especially for Bundy. He did well until he had to go every 5th day. It would save some wear on all those fragile arms, even if it only lasted a couple months.
  21. I don't have a problem with his ranking, but people may be disappointed by the speed with which he rises threw the system. Tommy john and only 28 innings in 3 years. Don't be surprised if it takes most of this year just to get his command back. He could easily spend all year in A ball. That wouldn't make him a failure.
  22. I would like to to see him play out his career here too. Keeps his head down and shows up every day. Never wants a day off. Who would of thought between him and Sano that he would be the better player. Sadly I think he will be gone soon. to may good young infielders coming up and the hot prospect always looks shiny and new.
  23. Winder, I remember someone saying, Bremmer maybe. That Winder suggested after he went on the injured list the last time there may be something structurally wrong with his shoulder that may keep him from being a starter.
  24. I remember when DaShawn Keirsey was drafted a lot of people were high on him. Then he kind of fell into oblivion. Last year he finally hit a little. Has he figured something out?
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