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Fat Calvin

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  1. Well, when you put it that way, how could I disagree? You've persuaded me.
  2. My point exactly! Business Schools and professional recruiters like "Corn Ferry" produce guys like Derek Falvey, and Rocco. Need I say more?
  3. I respectfully disagree. Win/Win is all nice and good--kind of warm a fuzzy--but any negotiator worth his weight in salt is only concerned with winning, i.e, getting the best deal for himself, for his company or for his client. He is hired to win, just like a baseball team. May the best man win, may the best team win, and may the force be with you.
  4. I don't know if I want win/win because we compete against the Reds and against everybody else. Win/lose would seem to be the better outcome.
  5. This was the one trade last year that really bothered me. I hope we don't live to regret it.
  6. I think both Falvey and Rocco are in over their heads--especially Rocco. IMHO, he's not a leader. There's no inspiration, no grit, I'd love to see an old school guy like Francona at the helm.
  7. It's the second game of spring training. The guys got in their swings, the pitchers, their pitches, and nobody got hurt.
  8. Here are a few observations made today by the MLB site's Do-Young Park on the progress of Kirilloff. The header read: “Kirilloff ‘really optimistic’ about wrist.” In the article Park writes: though “he hasn’t begun taking swings against live pitching, there’s been a “lot of improvement” in how he feels during his measured swing progression....with continued abatement in the soreness and aches he feels in his right wrist as the bone heals. When asked about his potential availability for Opening Day, he didn’t offer a direct answer. The greater priority in the big picture is making sure he can swing pain-free. He also hopes that continued tweaks to his lower-half usage when swinging can take more pressure off his arms.” I don’t know about you, but this article does not instill an optimistic feeling in me.
  9. Well, we got the #5 pick in July. And we did get a few prospects from Miami. I'm still a bit worried about our catching backup. We've got two catchers. If one goes down, we're in trouble.
  10. I'll always remember the look on Bauer's face when Max hit his third dinger of the day off of him. For that, Kep will always have a warm place in my heart. I hope we keep him this year.
  11. A lot of food for thought here. I can't really argue against your main point. Baseball has changed for the worst--imho, and Rocco's the perfect foil for the diamond quants who are running this team. But human nature doesn't change, and I think young men still need a strong leader to lead them to victory. Rocco's the weakest manager I've ever seen in my 57 years as a baseball fan.
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