What's winning is our changed attitudes, not practices like this. We should continue to say the right things and change the mindset of young men. But what about the young men, as in the link above, that were expelled from their school, sued the universities, and are winning? Judges that are grilling the universities for their complete lack of basic common sense and due process? I posted about a feminist law professor who feels this is a travesty of justice in the name of the right thing. Look, I'm all about making the world safer for women. College campuses especially. I too work with kids every day and try to instill a sense of value for one another. But kneejerk, do something!, type approaches (especially when they undercut basic values of justice we have) are incredibly dangerous. Is it really so hard to think of laws that have been passed, with good intentions, that wanted to fix something now, that undermined basic beliefs we have about justice - that have totally backfired? Mandatory sentences comes to mind. We know added punishment is a poor deterrent. That's all this really is.