Brock, I noticed on the mobile site I get to see who the last poster was and when, but ont he desktop version I only see who started it. I LOVE seeing who was the last to post and when. (I know the stars/circles help mark this too but it's nice to see) To piggy-back after Seth a bit....when I click on the forums link I basically find that page useless now. Before I could click on that page and see if anything was going on in the More Baseball, Football, Ask Twins Daily, or the Sports Bar. Using the circles and stars to keep track in Twins Talk and Minor Leagues is easy because they are high frequency, but at this point I don't know a way to see if one of the other forums has a discussion going on without literally clicking on the subforum. As someone that frequents those forums when something interesting is going on it's kind of a pain to check every subforum daily when the conversations are more infrequent. Without that convenience, the forum page is basically worthless, especially with the guitar pick acting in it's place. I hate to sound unappreciative and complainy (I really do like the new look!)....just something that I've noticed being a pain. Maybe there is a better way to navigate that I need to be instructed of.