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In My La Z boy

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Everything posted by In My La Z boy

  1. Kirilloff looks fantastic. Other than that, we have the trades and the rebuild to look forward to.
  2. This will happen if we keep losing. Doubt we deal anyone until July. Probably shouldn't. Best deals will happen closer to the deadline. Selling now won't be helpful. Obviously our free agent monies should have been spent on pitching.
  3. Concur with this 100%. Biggest fail is the bullpen. We are 14-8 if we could hold a lead. Bad bullpen and bad bullpen management. We are not having this conversation if we have a competent bullpen and a competent bullpen manager. All offensive struggles are obvious, but we still win 14 games if we hold leads.
  4. Falvey has constructed a big fat mess. Locked up long term deals with the wrong guys. Hasn't locked up long term deals with the right guys. Obviously Rocco's former in-game management skills were due to the tremendous staff he doesn't have anymore. He looks lost between the white lines. I miss Rosario, mostly for his moxy and heart. I miss May, letting him get away looks like a mistake, ya think? But..we got Sano, Kep, Dobs and Polanco signed to team friendly deals..Yay? My sentiment is with SoDakTwinsFan4 - but hope is not a strategy. All of a sudden, I do not like our 40 man roster - I do not like our manager - and I do not like our chances short of some significant change. I am a fan and do not know the best route for change. I worry the cool as a cucumber trio of Falvey/Levine/Baldelli will let this season get away from us. But we'll remain cool and level-headed about it.
  5. It just doesn't feel like Rocco is managing each game to win each game. Duffy and Rogers had the only hot hand we've seen in Happ's 2-0 win and we get Stashak, Theilbar and Alcala yesterday. Examples of this so far this season are endless. We are running a marathon while everyone else is sprinting. I guess we'll be the most rested & healthiest team in baseball by September. Will it matter?
  6. I am excited to see the Twins giving him this shot. He's always had the skills and the instincts - has the family tree, and now finally gets his shot at the bigs. I look for surprising upside here. He's been waiting for this a long time. I hope they give him 2b until Simmons comes back. I bet he makes the most of it and sticks as a bench guy for the rest of the year. That's a feel good story he needs, and we need.
  7. Pointing out the fact that Byron has already missed 5 of the first 14 games isn't negative spin. It is a real negative. If he continues to miss 35% of our games he has no chance at the triple crown. Simple. I think it is a valid point, not negative spin considering the history on Buxton and his playing time, or lackthereof. We'll all believe it when we see it (Byron on the field for 150 games) - and if we saw it, then hell yes he'd have a chance at the triple crown. He looks like a monster this year.
  8. Hamstrings & Wisdom teeth proves Byron doesn't have to smash into walls to find the DL. Which stands for discouragement list or disappointment list. No shortage of ways - he finds this list repeatedly. Please drop Garlick and add Broxton. Bux is on pace to play in 116 games. I'll take the under.
  9. Rocco isn't pulling the proper pitching strings. Every move seems wrong. Should have started Dobs - had 2 strikes on Trout - obviously should have left Pineda in the other day. Go to a 6 man rotation, and let your starters go further into the game dammit. Cannot explain Dobs other than the contract and the bullpen. Mowed em all down as a starter in the spring. Looks awful out of the pen so far. Well, almost everyone looks awful out of the pen so far.
  10. I always thought Arraez would start in LF initially. We are better with him leading off. After a couple games he will be mainly infield rotation - then no doubt injury comes to someone. Looks like an early AAA contest to claim LF by June. I thought Larnach looked better than both Kirilloff/Rooker this spring. We'll have our LF'er of the future at some point this year.
  11. I think it was a genuine open competition. Letting Eddie go, and using the money elsewhere was the correct call. Rooker clearly deserves the nod over Kirilloff - as both are still prospects, neither has much if any ML experience - I agree spring stats are a less than determinate factor - and to my untrained eye, Rooker is the more confident player at the plate. It also helped Rooker that he is 3 years older than Kirilloff. It may also have worked against Alex that we need a place for Arraez out there in LF once in a while to keep his bat in the lineup. I still think Arraez starts day 1 in LF to get his bat in the lineup and leadoff. After the 1st game or two, we can work him into an infield rotation - They will baby Donaldson for a while to start I'm thinking.
  12. My comments on this subject were primarily surrounding holding on to as much talent as possible, thinking we lose Broxton if we don't add him to the 40 man and keep him on the 26 man. I am not in favor of sending Cave to St. Paul. I am also not in favor of cutting Broxton loose. If and/or when Buxton goes down this year, it would be helpful to maintain the defense and the speedburner speed factor we lose when Byron's out.
  13. Exactly. Every other outfielder is on the 40 man, and has options. Broxton is the only one we could lose. I'd put him on the roster and send Cave, Garlick and Kirilloff down. Rooker/Arraez cover LF - Broxton is #4/5 along with some turtle just in case. Losing Broxton when you don't have to seems like a wasted opportunity, we can cut him in May if we need to.
  14. Just playing off Vanimal's comments in that Broxton had the Kirilloff hype and status at one time. Could all the promise finally happen at 31 for him? I agree completely - if we only get 62 games out of Buxton we're in trouble. Lewis out, Celestino not ready. I'd like some Byron insurance.
  15. I'd like to hang on to him somehow. Talk about former potential - and currently he looks like a keeper to me. FO's push to draft and develop corner OF is creating a logjam - or will create a future logjam. How many true centerfielders do we have coming - Celestino and who? If Buck goes down this year, we have Kepler and Cave. Not ideal.
  16. Does Broxton have any options if we were to add him to the 40 man? I don't understand the mechanics on him, but I'd sure like to keep him around. He looks like someone who could help this team.
  17. Kirilloff needed to force his way into the starting lineup with a strong spring. So far, he has given the Twins every reason to send him down, and retain the extra year of service, especially with the way Rooker's bat has looked. Rocco's comments lead me to believe Rooker gets the nod - although I think Arraez starts there for the 1st few games before the infielders need a day off.
  18. I say you've got to start Arraez in LF for the 1st couple of games - then he is subbing 3B, SS and 2B the rest of the way. I'd like to see Arraez batting lead-off in 150 games this year. Need that bat at the top of this lineup in my opinion. Kirilloff starts in LF on day 3 and then we roll.
  19. Arraez is absolutely more valuable - IF - he is the batting champion type we thought he might be? Got to be a place in the everyday lineup for a batting champion.
  20. This is the proper way to look at this, and I am guessing this is how it plays out. I am hoping we see the Arraez bat from 2019 in spring training and he starts day 1 in LF and bats leadoff. Within a month he will be playing all over the field with days off and injuries, and at that time we can deem Kirilloff or Rooker the everyday LF'er.
  21. Given the new left side of the infield, I like Dobnak to be on the squad. I like Arraez in LF for sure since we aren't as left-handed as we've been & I like him to lead off. I'd guess we have 2 open bench spots after Jeffers and Cave assuming 13 pitchers. This leaves room for an infield spot and an outfield spot. Since I like Jeffers as a primary right handed pinch hitter, I'd put Tortuga on the roster. Last spot goes to the best looking young outfielder in spring training. Probably Garlick out of the gate with a St Paul OF of Broxton, Kirilloff and Rooker.
  22. Obviously the Marlins did something wrong. I'd like to hear about some contact tracing results to help the league out here. Someone - or several someones caught this somewhere from someone. Who and where? The NBA figured out where their guys were who caught it (strip club) - I will guess no one else in the NBA will do that again until the season is over. These early outbreaks in baseball may be a gift in that we learn something early, that we can fix. Where is the after-action report on the Marlins outbreak? I hope every team has been provided with a copy.
  23. Isn't this why we have 30 man active rosters and we have another 30 players across town? This year is already a quasi-exhibition year - whoever has the best 60 players wins I thought? It is very early, and everyone is learning - I wouldn't hit the panic button, and let's see what develops. Test everyday, disinfect, isolate and quarantine, re-adjust schedules as they already have if an outbreak happens on a team. Marlins are worst case scenario so far, and with 14 players positive, that still leaves them with 46 players to compete. Play as many games as can be played - if it is 54 games for some teams, whatever - One day, one week at a time here. Let's go Dobs!
  24. I'll call out Jorge Polanco!! The Heart & Soul of this team in my opinion. Loved the pregame the other day on the Buxton/Kepler friendship - the nucleus of this team goes back to when they were all 16 yr old kids. What an advantage we have there! Think of the bond that is formed at such a young age, and then for all of them to come to prominence at the same time; Bux/Kep/Sano/Jorge/Rosy/Garv/Rogers/Duffy/May/Berrios - which other team has so many key players who all grew up together? This is our secret sauce.
  25. 38 of 3,185 positive is honestly much better than I thought it would be. I am excited for some baseball and am looking for some hope. This is much better news than it could have been. I am resisting getting to fired up and fear we get going, and then have to stop. These initial tests are encouraging.
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