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Winston Smith

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About Winston Smith

  • Birthday 08/24/1949

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  1. I've seen the Corn Palace so my life is complete.
  2. I'm at the age now that the long haul may not be that far down the road. Using a phrase from other media "before I die" seems like a pipe dream at this point for any Minn sports teams. "Before I die" doesn't mean winning a championship for the Twins, at this point it's winning a playoff game.
  3. You are a smart guy can you make some sense of what Falvey and his minions are doing?
  4. They got played. They took all the risk on the contract if Correa got hurt the Twins were on the hook. If Correa played poorly the Twins were on the hook. The contract got the old agent out of the picture so Boras could get the big pay day.
  5. We shouldn't forget he would have been an all star if not for all the bad outings.
  6. Don't forget Flavine are smarter than everyone else so it must be a good move. Six years in and 0-6 in the playoffs.
  7. They won't play in the first round so several days off for them. But don't disagree with you.
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