As I indicated in an earlier entry, this blog was started to keep a record of a trip I took in the summer of 2012 to visit each of the Twins minor league affiliates. The trip, which lasted almost three weeks, was not only a time to enjoy baseball. It was also in many ways a journey of discovery, as I used the time to heal both emotionally and spiritually from the accident I was in the previous fall that claimed the life of my mother and left me with a broken ankle. It was also a time to discern where God might be leading me next.
In response to that discernment, late in 2012 I accepted the position of pastor at a Presbyterian church in Idaho, and thus last February I relocated to Pocatello, where I have since been serving. I talked about some of the changes I was experiencing in another blog entry last April. Now, about a year later, as I look back, I can reflect further on the journey on which God has taken me, with joy and gratitude, and with trust for what is ahead.
One of the changes that is coming is that I am not going to be able to follow the Twins as closely as I have the past few years. I have decided, for a number of reasons, not to purchase a MLB.TV subscription this year. This means I will no longer have access to TV or radio broadcasts of the twins. I can still follow then on Gameday, but that is just not the same as watching or hearing. My baseball fix will be provided mostly by the Colorado Rockies (with former twins Hawkins, Cuddyer and Morneau) as I get their local TV feeds here in Idaho. I will still follow the Twins long-distance, of course, and my passion for them will not wane. But there will be a reduction in the amount of time I devote to them.
That’s the only bad change coming. The rest is all good and reflective of the grace that God has shared with me this past year. First, things are going well in my ministry here in Pocatello. I have just passed the one year anniversary here and the congregation and I are on the cusp of an exciting time. We are beginning to talk together about what new things God may be doing among us and calling us to do. It is a discussion that I have been trained for and have experience in facilitating, and I am eager to see what comes out of this process.
The biggest change on a personal level is, that for the first time in my life, I will soon be married. Shortly after moving here I began seeing a woman living about twenty-five miles away, in a neighboring town. The relationship has progressed and, particularly since late last fall, has deepened to the point where I have asked her to marry me and she has said yes. It will be a new time, a new beginning, in both of our lives as I learn how to share my life with her and as she learns how to put up with me. We are well-suited to each other, and she has even begun to appreciate baseball, to the point where she is willing to include a short stop in Seattle on our honeymoon to watch the Twins play the Mariners in July. (I will admit, though, I do tire somewhat of having to continually explain the dropped 3rd strike rule to her). I look forward to the life that we will build together, and the home that we will create (yes, I’m buying a house too.)
So now is a natural time to look back, at where I have come from and the journey I have taken the past three years. I have walked through the valleys, and I have climbed to new heights that I never anticipated. And I know the future will continue to contain both, that life will continue to unfold. But I do feel as if a chapter in my life is closing, that a new one is beginning. I can now view the accident as part of my past and not part of my present. And I can look forward eagerly to where God will lead me and Brenda next.
For those who have walked with me in this journey, I give my thanks. From those I have offended I ask pardon, and I give it freely to all who have challenged me. I appreciate how this site helped me through a difficult time in my life, and I wish you all well going forward. And I commend you all into God’s care.
Oh, and one last thought – for those who question whether God has a sense of humor, consider this: The name of the street on which I have just purchased a house is … Homerun Street.
Go figure.
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