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Richmond Dude

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  1. Bleacher Report is referring to him as a 3B. I don't know, in good faith. I guess he could play either, based on how things play out with Correa or another FA. Could also free up 3B for Lewis in two years.
  2. Regarding the crime issue and the impact on attendance. I don't live in Minnesota anymore and I miss having the ability to go to the games, but as a result, I have no idea whether crime is actually up in the city and even what kind of crime may be occurring. But I have a lot of experience with understanding crime and how people respond to it and can tell you that there are actually two different things here. There is crime and then there is the media coverage of crime. The second plays a much greater role in how people view an area and it lasts years. For instance, when the LRT discussion came up, I imagine that people remember how there were a bunch of Strib stories about robberies and assaults on the trains, usually during the overnight. But those stories were pre-Covid, if I remember. But they stick. It is irrelevant to attendance whether people are safe, what counts is whether they feel safe. Regardless, Go Twins! Wish I could be there with you in person.
  3. The Twins once fielded a squad with five Hall of Famers on it. The fielders were Killebrew, Oliva, and Carew, who were three very different types of hitters. Carew scored 50% more runs than he batted in, It's because he was constantly on base when people like Killebrew and Oliva drove him in. Takes all types to put together a good team.
  4. In the words of the Daily Norseman website, this Twins team is a Buy. Great write-up, solid reasoning. I do think KC deserved a mention, they're improved from last season and did take a series from us as the winning streak began.
  5. Oddly enough, for all the gnashing of teeth last week, we are half a game out of first place and one game out of the wild card race, Long season. Looking forward to watching it.
  6. Neshek always struck me as one of those situations where Gardy just didn't like certain players who didn't fit his view of the game and he got run out, never really getting the chance to work all the way back from the injury. The Twins during this period had a solid history of screwing with their pitchers and either losing them or having them find success elsewhere after the Twins gave up. Regarding Neshek's popularity, the sidearm delivery was cool, but Neshek was from Wisconsin and really bonded with our fanbase. Beyond that, he was simply fun. It was a shame how that played out, he was pretty clear that his hope was to stay with the Twins for the long term.
  7. MLB has been reducing the time between innings as part of the pace of play issue, so maybe there? Great point about the nature of soccer stoppages.
  8. Interesting point about tradition and the nature of the buttons on the front of the shirt. If you look back on the 70s and early 80s, the uniforms absolutely lost a lot of tradition. Most teams wore pullovers, looked awful. The White Sox tried out shorts at one point. There was a real snapback to tradition in the mid-to-late 80s. So if you don't care for the patches, there is hope.
  9. You're right. I looked up the DFA rules to see what I misunderstood. Once DFA'd, the team has seven days to either trade him or place him on waivers. I conflated the two when they are actually separate.
  10. I think, *think*, that this would mean that one or more waiver claims were made on Cotton and they are attempting to work out a trade. If I recall, the designating team has a week to do that from the time of the DFA.
  11. I agree with you on all points. I felt that putting Rodriguez out for the fourth inning was pushing it and maybe even setting him up (or somehow sparing the relievers who you expected to keep around the rest of the season. But there is no game today, weird. And, just as recently as last year, we were reminded of how little connection there is between the first week of the season and how a team actually plays the year out.
  12. Unless, possibly, the Padres viewed Rogers as the single missing piece that would get them over the hump that they seem to have been stuck on in a division with two juggernauts. They underperformed the past two years and the GM was retained while the manager was fired. Teams in that position overpay. Not disagreeing, btw. You're right under regular circumstances. Just giving a different perspective.
  13. Trading Sanchez away is probably the most certain way to ensure that he regains his form and even makes the All-Star game.
  14. The fact that we are done with the last spring training game and they still haven't decided between Rooker and Garlick is a bad sign. Neither looked good this spring, at least statistically, and neither did anything today, either. To me, it seems like they clearly want Rooker, but they're having trouble convincing themselves.
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