I recorded the Blue Jays TV play by play and they also said it was not going to be overturned because Sanchez had to play the ball. Then in an interview with Whit Merrifield, he said that he slid into Sanchez on purpose to get the interference call. He said he could have slid around him but he would have been out so he tried to get the interference call.
Guy i know brought 6 kids ages 8-12 to the game today , 4 of them have Buxton and Correa gear on, sent me a piicture in the stands, Saying all the Kids are Bummed with no Buck and CC4, IT IS SAD, !!
Hope he is not hurt, But pleez we gotta be the most pampering team i have ever seen, Remembering when Mauer went thru what nobody knew, so the Term Bi-lateral ?? was made up, since them days how many new Medical terms have been used ?? its Crazy