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  1. https://www.mlb.com/press-release/press-release-twins-bbwaa-announce-2020-diamond-awards-winners
  2. I will admit that I am BIASED toward Dobnak, for good reason, he is my Son. The only question I would pose to anyone that Voted or is commenting. Can you say without a doubt that the Twins are Central Division Champions without Randy? I noticed that some did not even have, the Pitcher that tied for most Wins on the team, on their ballot. OH well. As Randy likes to say, I can only control what I can control.
  3. copy and pasted from twitter Trust me, I know I am Randy’s Dad and I am biased. Having said that, has anyone looked at his minor league numbers? 24-9 ERA=2.57. your saying all those were weak teams? Put those minor #’s up against anyone elses minor #’s & make a list. I know this isn't the olympics but if you take out 2 bad starts his ERA is 2.14 I look forward to your list of Pitchers from say the last 5 years that put up better numbers in the minors. Also,as he moved up from low A to triple A, his numbers for the most part, got better at each level. Just because someone isn’t a #1 pick doesn’t mean they can’t be GREAT! #CHASETHEDREAM One other hidden stat. in his first full year as a Pro 2018, he went 7 or more innings 10 times. there was no one (1 that I could find did it 8 times) that came close while putting up similar numbers. playoff gm that year 7ip,6hits,1bb,0runsMan shrugging he avg 5.5 innings per gm that year Has he been Lucky this entire time?
  4. Thank You Steve for doing the research, and showing what Randy really could be like as a starting Pitcher. The Wild thing is, is that he is still in the initial learning stages as a MLB Pitcher. I don't know if you saw the interview with him while he was talking about what the hitters brain see's when you throw them a Pitch? WHO talks about stuff like that??? lol We haven't see the Best of Randy yet.
  5. Minors Career [+] 5 teams Minors 14 11 3.32 45 30 1 0 0 0 178.2 156 76 66 16 5 54 0 212 .231 1.18 1.35 Minors Career [+] 5 teams Minors 24 9 2.57 54 45 2 0 1 1 297.1 267 96 85 15 10 60 0 216 .239 1.10 1.42 without cheating, who is who? Dobnak and Stroman Just sayin :-)
  6. I Honestly believe that unless you are recovering from Chemo or some other sort of treatment that compromises your immunity system, or you are elderly, there is little to worry about concerning this virus. Then again, I could be wrong, so take whatever measures you feel are necessary to protect you and your family members.
  7. I really should not say this, (I say that because we, the Dobnak's, are a humble Family) however, sometimes it needs to be said. I looked it up, and you should too. Gerrit Coles Minor league numbers compared to Randy"s minor league numbers. Yes Randy does not throw 97-98 MPH, he is not 6'4", but he has thrown as high as 96 MPH. I am not saying Randy is Gerrit Cole, what I am saying is that Randy throws strikes and works really hard at learning his craft. He is definitely the kinda guy you just naturally want to root for, am I right? He is in it for the Love of the game. I tell people this story all the time. When he was 6 or 7 years old I noticed that he was more comfortable inside the diamond than outside of it. He was like a fish out of water when you would talk to him after a game. It did not matter if he went 4 for 4 with a walkoff hit or Homerun, or 0 for 4. He would rather talk about anything but Baseball. I know it sounds silly, but it is the truth. Thank you to anyone that reads this, I apologize for rambling, and yes I am biased, because I am his Dad. GO TWINS!!!!!
  8. I am just a little biased maybe? I am Rootin for Randy Dobnak. He is a Blue Collar kinda guy. Just shows up everyday and goes to work.
  9. I see you don't have Randy Dobnak in any part of your plan. Granted I am biased, but I hope you are wrong.
  10. I know where they can get some help with Starting pitching. :-)
  11. Randy Dobnak's FB sits around 92-94 and tops out at 96. Strike % is usually above 70. I heard it once said Bob Gibson pitched like he was double parked. Randy works the same way. He works fast and throws LOTS of strikes.
  12. Good to see Randy Dobnak getting promoted to Triple A. True Cinderella story. His 2 year Anniversary playing affiliated ball will be Aug 1st. In less than 2 years he went from non drafted independent player to one of the Bright Stars in the Twins system. I know I am biased being his Dad and all, but the numbers do not lie. http://www.milb.com/player/index.jsp?sid=milb&player_id=677976#/career/R/pitching/2019/ALL
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