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  1. It’s all good. Competition, not a double-vested suit, makes the man. Kepler looks good in a double-vest but not at the plate. It’s put up or shut up time for the vax denier. He’s worth more in a trade if he shows he can hit again, so I don’t see him going anywhere until he struts to the box and gets on base at a clip that makes us stop and look. If he does that, though, why trade him?
  2. Kepler seems unteachable at the plate. I don't know why. We know what he's capable of. Too many grounders don't get it done. I consider this his make-or-break year and would like to see the Twins give him the opportunity to change his approach as either an everyday or platoon player. If it doesn't pan out, the team should cut its losses, wish him the very best (which can be either heartfelt or a Southern way of saying "Get lost."), and give him the opportunity to prove his mettle with another team.
  3. I'm looking forward to the season. I mostly agree with your rankings and appreciate the year-by-year breakdown. Good work. I'd actually rank Correa a little lower because I think his ankle is a big deal, though he might play on it without major problems for 10 years. The other anomaly is the oddity of trading a batting champion. That might still come back to haunt the team, but Lopez could become an ace if the cards land right and he avoids major injury. It's sad to see how Kepler lost his way, buying into vax denial and generally losing his focus offensively during the pandemic years. I'd like to see the Twins hold on to him one more year, since he can't be worth too much in trade, and I see comeback tattooed on his backside if he can change his approach at the plate. I like the fact that the Twins are all potential right now, with veteran leadership to accelerate development and work ethic. I expect to see the team in the playoffs.
  4. It's true that somebody will take a chance on Sano if he's healthy. But with strikeout master Gallo often in the lineup, do the Twins need Sano, too? I don't think so.
  5. Arraez gets on base. Trading him is a dumb idea unless the FO knows something about his knee that we don’t.
  6. As mentioned, the Mets used the same doc as the Giants. What is that all about? Doesn’t a billionaire know what a second opinion is?
  7. No reason to trade for its own sake. Correa is the best final puzzle piece. Kirilloff is a question mark until he stays healthy. Gordon is a keeper. No point playing footsies with other teams when we have what we need if all goes well.
  8. I look into my crystal ball and see the Twins exploding with young players like the Guardians did last year. Forget about stinking trades and signing what's left of free agents. We're good to go. The only caveat is health. Keep the boys of summer healthy and I'm liking what the team has in place.
  9. Correa has moved on. We should, too. I'm looking forward to Farmer until Royce Lewis is healthy.
  10. Great article. The Twins have the relief they need. They have a credible starting staff. If the pitching stays healthy, and if Baldelli figures out how to manage pitchers in the field and not just on paper, my crystal ball tells me we’re in for a ride.
  11. It's good comedy, ain't it? From the outside looking in, anyway. I can't imagine Correa is having much fun about now. But the bottom line is that the guy is going to get a big payday, even if it's not quite as gigantic as he had hoped. He won't have trouble feeding his family. (We all remember when former NBA player Latrell Sprewell refused a $21-million three-year contract because it wouldn't be sufficient to feed his children.) Right about now Correa should be submitting to a Twins physical so that the team can decide whether to stick with the offer it made him or not.
  12. If Boras and Correa are smart, and obviously they are, they would give the Twins (on the sly) a chance to do whatever medical diligence they consider necessary. Ten years and $285 mil might look sweet to Correa before this is over.
  13. These 10+ year contracts are ridiculous. I have nothing against a player making out like Hercules against some billionaire, but the sport is becoming farcical. Can’t wait to see what Ohtani gets.
  14. Interesting. This could be a competitive team as you create it. It’s a young one even without a rebuild. I prefer for them to go full throttle after the Guardians, who surprised us. The Twins can be the team to do that this year. Avoid injuries, play up to potential. They’re overdue.
  15. As we know, Boras gave the Twins a shot. They were right to tell him to hike. I’m tired of greedy free agents and spoiled billionaire owners and unhappy Twin fans who want the team to splurge. No need. Let’s win the right way. Invest the money in affordable housing and cancer research. Let the big money teams embarrass themselves trying to buy a Series. That’s corruption. Let’s play Moneyball, not Monopoly. That is the Minnesota way. And I’m all in. Our society needs to grow up.
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