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  • Photographer Accuses Miguel Sano Of Assault

    John  Bonnes

    This morning, photographer Betsy Bissen posted assault allegations against Twins third baseman Miguel Sano. The incident took place at an autograph signing event where Bissen worked as a volunteer. [Editor's note: Bissen has also volunteered as a credentialed photographer for Twins Daily.]

    Image courtesy of Seth Stohs, Twins Daily

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    On Twitter, Bissen detailed the assault charge. "I pulled back as he held onto my wrist. It hurt, how badly he was grasping at my wrist, but he wouldn't let go. I wasn't going to give up my fight though. He then leaned down and tried to kiss me, more than once. Every time he did, I said no and kept pulling back. I was in a squatted position with my wrist throbbing. I screamed, no one came to help me. He finally gave up after a solid ten mins of fighting to pull me thru that door."


    In response, Sano told TMZ that the event never happened. The Twins tweeted out that they take the allegation very seriously, but that they will have no further comment until more information is gathered.

    Bissen's tweet did get some replies from a former Twins player and a current Twins player:



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    I really don't think this discussion should be taking place on Twins Daily. There are legal implications to this, both civil and criminal. There are possible financial penalties, no matter who is telling the truth. Since TD has "employed"  Betsy and since some owners know her and since TD is involved with the Twins' players closely, and since these discussions can quickly get out of hand, I, for one, would recommend the moderators pull the plug on further discussion about this for now. I realize I am asking this topic to be censored and I don't recommend this lightly. I do not represent TD as an attorney, nor anyone associated with this matter, but have practiced law for over 40 years and would recommend TD consult an attorney in Minnesota before further discussion of this matter on this site.



    I completely agree. This site employed (or employs?) the accuser.  There seems to be no way for this thread to be very useful, or to provide any useful discussion.  I like to discuss, and even argue about, Twins players and Twins baseball on this site.  I don't think that talking about the alleged assault of an employee of this website is a fruitful use of the commenting feature. Especially here.

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    You misunderstood the context of the conversation. I have no idea what the police would have done had Betsy gone to them with the accusation.


    But we were talking about Nick Nelson not going to the police, even though he wasn't there and it was well after the fact (by over a year, if I'm understanding the timeline correctly). The police would do nothing if Nick spoke up, which was the point I made.

    Even a year later though, as a part of Twinsdaily, I don't know if you have a corporate governance or handbook but it may be that any allegations reported need to be filed with the local police, or at the very least notify the Twins.  If he is the monster many want to claim he is, then Nick possibly enabled him to do this to other women for another year.  And if he is the monster there will be other women.  These predators cannot control their impulses.

    Edited by bunsen82
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    Even a year later though, as a part of Twinsdaily, I don't know if you have a corporate governance or handbook but it may be that any allegations reported need to be filed with the local police, or at the very least notify the Twins.  If he is the monster many want to claim he is, then Nick possibly enabled him to do this to other women for another year.  And if he is the monster there will be other women.  These predators cannot control their impulses.

    Please stop this. Nick had an obligation to the victim, whose choice it is whether to come forward or not. Of all the people involved who are potentially blame worthy - Sano, his agent, the victim's boss who was apparently there, Nick and Twins Daily are absolutely not among them. You absolutely DO NOT take it upon yourself to report that a woman was assaulted or raped. That is her choice in almost every circumstance (the possible exception being an immediate and clear threat to someone else, which there is no reason to think existed here). Otherwise you potentially put the woman at risk of retaliation and potential legal, employment and personal consequences. She is the one who makes this decision, because she is the one with skin in the game.

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    And don't forget to scroll down after reading the article so you can see the advert for swimsuit model casting .... The hypocrisy ... These media outlets don't actually care about the issues women are facing


    Also, these attacks on Nick Nelson and other TD staff (none of whom I know) are disgusting ... None of them were witnesses, accomplices or, from what I have read, ever made privy to physical evidence (e.g. seeing the bruising) ... I wish these threads would be locked permanently

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    You misunderstood the context of the conversation. I have no idea what the police would have done had Betsy gone to them with the accusation.


    But we were talking about Nick Nelson not going to the police, even though he wasn't there and it was well after the fact (by over a year, if I'm understanding the timeline correctly). The police would do nothing if Nick spoke up, which was the point I made.


    Fair enough.  Nick going in is certainly a lot different than Betsy going in, but I still don't think we can assume that the police would have done nothing.   It depends on what Nick would have told them.  If he gave them enough detail to investigate further, it's possible they would have done so.


    I used to work for the Hennepin County court system, I saw domestic assault cases prosecuted where the victim was uncooperative with law enforcement.  Not many, but it happens.


    To be clear, I'm not saying that Nick or others Besty confided in should have gone to the police (I wouldn't have in Nick's shoes either), or that the police definitely would have taken it further (probably not, possible.)


    My only point is that the speculation doesn't help.




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    You can not force someone to go to the police in these instances. I was trained as a military police officer in one of the branches of the armed forces. This isn't exactly breaking news, but the military has issues with sexual violence. It's still a huge problem but major strides are being made. The first major chance was not forcing victims to name or testify against their whom they accused. That kinda flies in the faces of people that want justice and to protect people but the military deemed it a higher priority to get the victims mental health and therapy over charging and convicting. They were finding that more victims were willing to come forward and get the treatment needed if they were not forced to make statements to us. It is straining to go through an ordeal of this nature both physically and mentally. It's straining to receive this type of information from a friend or someone you love and to be asked to not do anything. It's hard to understand how the victim doesn't want justice. How the victim doesn't want this person off the streets. As a man that it didn't happen to, its perplexing. We instantly believe what we're being told by someone close to us. It's not even an issues that she's not being truthful. When we don't know the victim, we can be leary. When it's someone we know, we want justice. Before I was in military police work, I was an infantryman. I'll always be an infantryman in my heart. Infantryman are warriors, fighters trained killers. My first wife was going to  linguist training in Monterrey, Ca and I was at Ft. Campbell, Ky. She called me one day and said she had been raped. Naturally, my first thoughts were murder. I wanted to pack a platoon and drive across the country that second. My first thoughts shouldn't have been that, they should've been about helping her mentally, helping her work through it. She didn't want to go to the police, she just wanted to have someone hear her at this time. I was further frustrated because by not going to the police, I couldn't even go out there to see her. It wasn't my choice to make on how she moved forward. We ended up divorced, not because of this, because we were too young and too stupid. Know this, I will never forget that mans name. If we ever cross paths, I'm going to knock his teeth out. I am an infantryman at heart.


    It's easy to spend the Twins ownership money when it's not our money. It's easy to talk about what moves you would make if you ran the team because it's it's not your job to lose. It's easy to talk about what you would do if someone told you something heavy like this but until it happens to you, you have no idea how you'll react. First and foremost, you're reaction should be to help because they are talking to you for a reason. It's to relieve just a touch of the burden. It's not for you to turn into some white knight. It's not about you at all. You can't internalize something like this. That's the problem that I think most men have, we tend to make it about ourselves.


    That got long and really didn't add a thing to the discussion about this story at all. 


    Let's not go an bash a person for not going to the police because that isn't the right thing to do. The right thing to do is help you're friends move forward in life.

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    i don't have the link, but I've seen it posted elsewhere that it's a false 6% of the time. So, I'd say it's pretty rare when it happens. Think of how many thousands upon thousands of cases there are and 95% of them are true.

    Seems easier to me to not jump to the "she's lying" accusations (not saying you are, but a whole ton of people are). I've seen people bring up the names of five guys who were falsely accused and because of those five guys it means every woman is lying. There are people saying that. That's wrong.


    6% is a lot of false accusations.   The other point I am making is that many of this waves' allegations are not sexual assaults:  they are just a (often young) man's attempt to ask a woman for sex in a very idiotic manner, maybe even aggressive manner.  Given today's coverage of "sexual assault" I think we need to be very wary of these types of issues.

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    6% is a lot of false accusations. The other point I am making is that many of this waves' allegations are not sexual assaults: they are just a (often young) man's attempt to ask a woman for sex in a very idiotic manner, maybe even aggressive manner. Given today's coverage of "sexual assault" I think we need to be very wary of these types of issues.

    I'm not sure what the legal definition of sexual assault is. But, for practical purposes, if an assault occurred, and the underlying motivation for that assault was sexual in nature, then I'd consider it fair to discuss that as sexual assault.


    Public opinion is not the same as a court of law, and frankly I'm getting tired of people attempting to transfer legal rights and definitions into workplace and/or public opinion situations. (This is a bit of a side tangent, I'm not accusing you of doing this. )


    Freedom of speech, right to due process, burden of proof, etc. Those are rights meant to protect us from government persecution. They rarely extend beyond that.

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    6% is a lot of false accusations.   The other point I am making is that many of this waves' allegations are not sexual assaults:  they are just a (often young) man's attempt to ask a woman for sex in a very idiotic manner, maybe even aggressive manner.  Given today's coverage of "sexual assault" I think we need to be very wary of these types of issues.

    1. 6% is not a lot. It's just a bit more than one out of twenty. No one thinks one out of twenty is a lot of anything. Add in all the unreported assaults we're up to, what, about 1 out of 80 assaults are falsely accused? That's an insanely low number.


    2. See, the problem here is that these things should be considered sexual assault. Just because young men have gotten away with stupid things in the past (myself included) doesn't justify continued bad behavior.

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    Never thought my first post on TD would be on an article like this but it is what it is. All I'm going to say is if after this investigation is over, if Falvine has even one little twitch of belief that Sano did this then trade him. I don't want him on the team. That then sets a precedent for younger players who are working their way up that if your performance is good enough, the organization will overlook inexcusable behavior. That precedent will absolutely kill any decent "clubhouse culture" that is always being talked about. If he did it, I want him off the team in less than 12 hours.

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    Hypothetically lets say something did happen we take her at her word, however the investigation cannot validate her claims or it didn't rise to the level of harm for any discipline through MLB or criminally.  Does Sano still deserve to have his name smeared?  Is that just the risk of being an athlete. Now I have read the above posts, so there may be some more smoke regarding a pattern of behavior. 

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    And don't forget to scroll down after reading the article so you can see the advert for swimsuit model casting .... The hypocrisy ... These media outlets don't actually care about the issues women are facing


    Also, these attacks on Nick Nelson and other TD staff (none of whom I know) are disgusting ... None of them were witnesses, accomplices or, from what I have read, ever made privy to physical evidence (e.g. seeing the bruising) ... I wish these threads would be locked permanently

    I don't know Nicks status within TwinsDaily.  I have attached an article. I understand this occurred while she was not technically doing work for TwinsDaily.  For corporate law any allegation is required to be investigated at minimum at the corporate level if management becomes aware whether or not the individual affected cooperated.  I also don't know his status if he is a mandatory reporter. Now I agree there is some grey area here and this likely could be classified as friendly conversation outside of work, just be aware a company can still be liable if they knew or should have known and did not do a proper investigation to ensure this sexual harassment does not occur again.  I can find more caselaw if needed, this looked pretty clear cut though, even though this is looking at employee on employee harassment. 



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    Hypothetically lets say something did happen we take her at her word, however the investigation cannot validate her claims or it didn't rise to the level of harm for any discipline through MLB or criminally.  Does Sano still deserve to have his name smeared?  Is that just the risk of being an athlete. Now I have read the above posts, so there may be some more smoke regarding a pattern of behavior. 

    The point isn't whether Ms. Bissen's claims can be validated--it's whether they're true. Sano's name is being smeared only to the degree that we are all aware of these claims. No one's saying he did anything better or worse than exactly what he's being accused of doing.


    As others have said, about 6% of allegations turn out to be false. People can interpret that as a lot or a little, but at the end of the day, it means knowing nothing except there was an allegation made, we should think there's a 94% chance Sano did what he's accused of doing.

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    6% is a lot of false accusations.   The other point I am making is that many of this waves' allegations are not sexual assaults:  they are just a (often young) man's attempt to ask a woman for sex in a very idiotic manner, maybe even aggressive manner.  Given today's coverage of "sexual assault" I think we need to be very wary of these types of issues.

    See I think this is part of the problem. I've seen for months now other men saying: "man, I can't even talk to a woman now without it being sexual harassment." "Better not ask her for her number or if she wants to have a drink...it's now sexual harassment."


    Where is this coming from?! What women are saying asking a person out once is sexual harassment? I've seen zero instances of this happening. If a man is questioning if he can even talk to a woman anymore then to me that's way more telling. Either you're creepy or you're not. And you should certainly know the difference. If someone has to question how they interact with other people than they are likely not acting appropriately and some part of them knows it. What someone may think of as idiotic is considered scary to a woman.


    Why do we think it's romantic when we hear stories of a guy repeatedly asking a woman to go out for years? She's saying no for a reason. And then the men are proud when the woman finally give in and says yes. They likely gave in because they were tired of being constantly harassed. Why are men not stopping? This is not cute.


    Why do we teach girls they need to cover up because it gives boys bad thoughts? As a guy, I've never been told to cover up because girls will have bad thoughts. Why does this double standard exist?


    Why are women afraid to walk alone at night? Why are they taught that they should have their keys out and ready to get in their car quickly if they need to? Why are they also taught that they should put one of those keys between two of their fingers to protect themselves if necessary? I've never had to do or worry about any of this as a man. I could be attacked too, but it's not a fear that's constantly in the back of my mind.


    Why do young boys who sleep with a teacher get a high five? Why is it not the same for girls? Both times are equally wrong.


    Why are women considered sluts and men considered studs when they've been with a lot of people?


    Why do men think it's okay to compliment a woman's body or what she's wearing, especially in the workplace? If a straight man wouldn't say it to a male coworker then why are they saying it to the female coworker? She's not there to be sexualized. She's there to work. And if a man would say it to both, again, that's still being creepy and harassing the person if you do it repeatedly.


    Why do father's/brothers "jokingly" say that their daughter/sister needs to be locked in a closet/bedroom for thirty years in order to keep them away from boys/men. Or say "they've got guns" as a threat to the boy, serious or not. Never heard a man say this about his son/brother. This is something I've even said. I do not have a sister or kids (nor do I want any).


    We know why.

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    I made a longer post about this in the other thread, but one point worth repeating is that there is no consensus on the percentage of accusations that are false and the 6% figure is disputed.


    In any case, while it's safe to say that the majority of accusations are not false, false accusations happen enough that it is both dangerous and foolish to dismiss the possibility off the bar due to its alleged rarity.  


    I don't believe this is a false accusation, but I object to cavalierly waving away concerns about false accusations based on their alleged rarity.


    Even if you take the 6% figure as true, that means out of every 100,000 allegations, 6,000 are false.  That's 6,000 innocent men that are unjustly punished or branded as sexual predators.  Are you comfortable with that, if it means the other 94,000 face consequences?  What if you, your father or your brother were among those 6,000?

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    Even if you take the 6% figure as true, that means out of every 100,000 allegations, 6,000 are false. That's 6,000 innocent men that are unjustly punished or branded as sexual predators. Are you comfortable with that, if it means the other 94,000 face consequences? What if you, your father or your brother were among those 6,000?

    Let me put this a different way with way bigger numbers.


    They say something like two out of three assaults go unreported. Numbers vary but whatever, the numbers are so large they don’t really matter for this example.


    So for every 100,000 assaults, there are 200,000 unreported assaults. That means for every 300,000 assaults, 6,000 are false accusations.


    A large reason why women are reluctant to come out and talk about their experiences is because of what we’re seeing in this thread (which pales in comparison to the crap I’ve seen in other places over the past two days). Dissecting every word of their statements, challenging their personal history, implying they misunderstood the situation and/or intent, literally focusing on everything BUT the potential crime under consideration.


    So I ask you this:


    Why are you worried so much about your 6,000 fathers, brothers, and sons but giving so little thought or consideration to your 294,000 mothers, daughters, and sisters?

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    Let me put this a different way with way bigger numbers.

    They say something like two out of three assaults go unreported. Numbers vary but whatever, the numbers are so large they don’t really matter for this example.

    So for every 100,000 assaults, there are 200,000 unreported assaults. That means for every 300,000 assaults, 6,000 are false accusations.

    A large reason why women are reluctant to come out and talk about their experiences is because of what we’re seeing in this thread (which pales in comparison to the crap I’ve seen in other places over the past two days). Dissecting every word of their statements, challenging their personal history, implying they misunderstood the situation and/or intent, literally focusing on everything BUT the potential crime under consideration.

    So I ask you this:

    Why are you worried so much about your 6,000 fathers, brothers, and sons but giving so little thought or consideration to your 294,000 mothers, daughters, and sisters?


    I personally don't believe that being concerned about the one precludes us from being concerned about the other. Considering that the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters are what make us all who we are. Honestly I look at those numbers, however you cut them up, and feel a moderate amount of shame that crap like this still goes on.

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    Let me put this a different way with way bigger numbers.

    They say something like two out of three assaults go unreported. Numbers vary but whatever, the numbers are so large they don’t really matter for this example.

    So for every 100,000 assaults, there are 200,000 unreported assaults. That means for every 300,000 assaults, 6,000 are false accusations.

    A large reason why women are reluctant to come out and talk about their experiences is because of what we’re seeing in this thread (which pales in comparison to the crap I’ve seen in other places over the past two days). Dissecting every word of their statements, challenging their personal history, implying they misunderstood the situation and/or intent, literally focusing on everything BUT the potential crime under consideration.

    So I ask you this:

    Why are you worried so much about your 6,000 fathers, brothers, and sons but giving so little thought or consideration to your 294,000 mothers, daughters, and sisters?


    Fun fact 


    one can be concerned about addressing the seriousness of sexual misconduct AND fairness to the accused.    

    Edited by one_eyed_jack
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    I personally don't believe that being concerned about the one precludes us from being concerned about the other. Considering that the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters are what make us all who we are. Honestly I look at those numbers, however you cut them up, and feel a moderate amount of shame that crap like this still goes on.

    Agreed that it’s a shame it still happens but some people in this thread are giving a lot of consideration to Sano and virtually none to Bissen.


    They should probably ask themselves why that’s the case.


    I believe Betsy but have somehow managed not to say an ill word about Sano in the process. I’ll let the investigators figure that part out. The only thing I can do right now is support a woman who had the gumption to talk about a very bad situation.

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    Agreed that it’s a shame it still happens but some people in this thread are giving a lot of consideration to Sano and virtually none to Bissen.

    They should probably ask themselves why that’s the case.

    I believe Betsy but have somehow managed not to say an ill word about Sano in the process. I’ll let the investigators figure that part out. The only thing I can do right now is support a woman who had the gumption to talk about a very bad situation.


    Sorry, I forgot, one cannot make a point these days without the prerequisite degree of gertruding.   I believe that Betsy Bissen endured a traumatic event and that shes deserves our support and gratitude for coming forward.  OK?



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    See I think this is part of the problem. I've seen for months now other men saying: "man, I can't even talk to a woman now without it being sexual harassment." "Better not ask her for her number or if she wants to have a drink...it's now sexual harassment."


    Where is this coming from?! What women are saying asking a person out once is sexual harassment? I've seen zero instances of this happening. If a man is questioning if he can even talk to a woman anymore then to me that's way more telling. Either you're creepy or you're not. And you should certainly know the difference. If someone has to question how they interact with other people than they are likely not acting appropriately and some part of them knows it. What someone may think of as idiotic is considered scary to a woman.


    Why do we think it's romantic when we hear stories of a guy repeatedly asking a woman to go out for years? She's saying no for a reason. And then the men are proud when the woman finally give in and says yes. They likely gave in because they were tired of being constantly harassed. Why are men not stopping? This is not cute.


    Why do we teach girls they need to cover up because it gives boys bad thoughts? As a guy, I've never been told to cover up because girls will have bad thoughts. Why does this double standard exist?


    Why are women afraid to walk alone at night? Why are they taught that they should have their keys out and ready to get in their car quickly if they need to? Why are they also taught that they should put one of those keys between two of their fingers to protect themselves if necessary? I've never had to do or worry about any of this as a man. I could be attacked too, but it's not a fear that's constantly in the back of my mind.


    Why do young boys who sleep with a teacher get a high five? Why is it not the same for girls? Both times are equally wrong.


    Why are women considered sluts and men considered studs when they've been with a lot of people?


    Why do men think it's okay to compliment a woman's body or what she's wearing, especially in the workplace? If a straight man wouldn't say it to a male coworker then why are they saying it to the female coworker? She's not there to be sexualized. She's there to work. And if a man would say it to both, again, that's still being creepy and harassing the person if you do it repeatedly.


    Why do father's/brothers "jokingly" say that their daughter/sister needs to be locked in a closet/bedroom for thirty years in order to keep them away from boys/men. Or say "they've got guns" as a threat to the boy, serious or not. Never heard a man say this about his son/brother. This is something I've even said. I do not have a sister or kids (nor do I want any).


    We know why.

    Excellent post.

    These are all examples of issues/behaviors that need to be aggressively addressed.

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    Sorry, I forgot, one cannot make a point these days without ...

    Moderator's Note: The discussion in these Sano threads has been basically constructive, but please don't bring in straw men arguments that create an extreme point of view to argue against, one which no one is actually proposing. Constructions like the one above lead nowhere. Not just the post I'm mentioning here, but in several other posts I've seen, and it leads to pointless digressions. Thanks.

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    Too much statisics, even for baseball! 


    Regardless of the allegations and how this situation ends, I think the biggest question the organization needs to ask themselves, is keeping Sano around worth it? He's obviously very talented (talented enough?), but to go along with these allegations are his weight related issues (work ethic) and the gap left at 3rd if he were suspended/traded. Also, I think it would look very bad (and unfair) if the Twins kept Sano in the same workplace as Betsy (a photographer). The Twins need to move on from Sano, Sano needs also move past this incident (despite denying it), and Betsy needs closure.


    On the bright side (not really :/ ), what the Twins could do is trade Sano along with Felix Jorge, Kohl Stewart, Jermaine Palacios for Chris Archer and a throw in role player/pitcher.


    This could also entice Darvish to set up a meeting with the Twins and possibly choose them over the Yanks, Astros, Dodgers, Cubs, Rangers, etc. The reason why I think this would attract Yu is by having already having 2 very accomplished starters and fact that the organization (should do) did the right thing handling Sano. Demonstrated in this years' World Series, Yu Darvish seems like a person who places importance on character (good guy), once you add Darvish to the mix you got....


    1) Archer

    2) Darvish

    3) Santana

    4) Berrios

    5) (yet to be determined) (Mejia, Gibson, May, Romero, Little, Gonsalves, Slegers)


    It's possible the Twins could turn this bad situation into a positive one in the from of a starting pitching surplus.

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    Moderator's Note: The discussion in these Sano threads has been basically constructive, but please don't bring in straw men arguments that create an extreme point of view to argue against, one which no one is actually proposing. Constructions like the one above lead nowhere. Not just the post I'm mentioning here, but in several other posts I've seen, and it leads to pointless digressions. Thanks.


    Duly noted.  I misinterpreted an earlier post and perhaps overreacted a bit  My apologies, I will be more deliberative before responding from here on.  

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