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Article: Twins Daily Audio: Draft Pick SCANDALS!

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You should know that in our testing, we are trying different methods of sound and such, so let us know what you think. We'll work through it all after we get opinions on the various methods so that in the end, we do it right. But, also discuss the content. Is the length of 'show' enough. Are the topics appropriate? Thanks!

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You should know that in our testing, we are trying different methods of sound and such, so let us know what you think. We'll work through it all after we get opinions on the various methods so that in the end, we do it right. But, also discuss the content. Is the length of 'show' enough. Are the topics appropriate? Thanks!


I thought it sounded really good. great analysis. It blows my mind nobody yet knows who Houston is gonna pick. I want to know! I'm just hoping Gray somehow falls in our lap!

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For the baseball-philiacs out there this could easily supplant radio-listening habits developed over decades. Looking for a daily audio baseball fix is very frustrating because baseball discussion is seemingly only randomly placed on a show's schedule, often for too brief a time period. Also, the Twins are on not on a coast, they do not use a football or basketball and the level of discourse often is not as in-depth as it is on these podcasts. Please keep going.

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Jeremy's audio was the best, although he was getting a little bit of feedback.


Bonnes' audio was a little bit quieter than the other 2


Seth's audio was fine, maybe a little bit "phone boothy"

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You should know that in our testing, we are trying different methods of sound and such, so let us know what you think. We'll work through it all after we get opinions on the various methods so that in the end, we do it right. But, also discuss the content. Is the length of 'show' enough. Are the topics appropriate? Thanks!


The sound is so bad on all three that I can't choose one that is "better" than the others; a fourth and better option needs to be found. It may be that the microphones aren't at fault, but the phones (Skype, cellphone?) being used.


I like the shorter format. While I respect the content being delivered, I have rarely listened to the long podcasts offered in the past; if I have that much time to spare, I'll probably catch up on Tarantino's movies instead. ;) And frankly, when I have listened to the longer format, it felt like it could be tightened up, with too much of a feel of buddies shooting the breeze together.

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I like the short format. What does it take to get on iTunes? That would be great because the web-based format limits my listening options.


I differ on opinion with John, though. I have tons of time (commute) to listen to two guys shoot the breeze and mix in Twins talk.

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Provisional Member

I liked this one alot better than the last, except the audio on 1 of the guys was messed up. You should make them longer though, maybe 45mins? I love the Gleeman in the Geek podcast because its over 1.5 hours.

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Downloaded file sounded good. None of the links worked correctly, with various manifestations of satanic behavior. FF simply didn't show the player, even with Adblock turned off. Chrome, Safari and IE (all current) showed the player, but no sound.


It's a process, keep hackin'!

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Feedback on Jeremy.

Phone booth echo for Seth.

John should be on the radio, as he can speak without echo or feedback. (well, there is a little echo)


Really like the time of these. I like Gleeman & the Geek but they are, what, 4 hours long? I’ve only ever listened to the beginning of them.


Some say Stewart has the greatest upside of any of these pitchers. Looks like historically top pick HS pitchers get to MLB at about the same rate as top pick college pitchers make it. Consequently, I would be OK with a Stewart pick (over Bryant or Gray) if the Twins felt he was the BPA.


These are awesome. Thanks.

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THANKS everyone for the feedback. Just a couple of notes:


1. I'm also not really satisfied with the audio, even mine, which is a problem because I think that's about as good as it is going to get. I'm going to try something with mine tonight and Jeremy and Seth are both trying something new with theirs too.


2. Length - GATG got a lot of initial feedback that we were too long, too. Aaron kept pushing for longer and I'm glad he did, because we find there is a built in audience of people who are working and want something long to listen too.


But maybe there is a market for shorter spots too. For this go-around, my idea is to find a solution where we talk more frequently and remotely but it still sounds good and has in-person interaction. With it being more frequent, it needs to be shorter, because we just don't have the time to sit and do this for a couple of hours every night.


Thanks again for the feedback. It really is valuable, especially the negative stuff. (I'm serious.)

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