Jose Rodriguez
GCL Twins - Rookie
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Posted by jmlease1,
There are no heroes in this negotiation from a fan standpoint; neither side gives a crap about us. Should they? Yes, of course, because fan support is critical to the long-term health and wealth of the game, but the reality is they're much more interested in their personal financial situations and any reference to the fans from either side is nothing more than a PR ploy.
The players have a the fundamental problem of having been crushed in the last negotiation, starting them off in a weaker position. (which they may or may not realize) Most of what they're asking for isn't all that unreasonable in the context of the financials of the game, which has huge amounts of revenue to play with. But the mlbpa has never truly wrestled with the financial imbalances between the biggest markets and the smallest, and prefers a financial structure that favors those largest teams. Big teams in big markets handing out massive deals to stars does drag the salary structure upwards overall...but it also puts things in position of haves and have nots...and the mlbpa doesn't care about that until more than 3-4 teams in a year appear to be tanking/rebuilding and not spending on them. (They've also shamefully ignored minor league players for their entire history, really, and foolishly haven't sought to fold them into the union in an effort to increase their own membership and power)
The owners, on the other hand, always manage to suck even more. They're a bunch of contemptible greedheads who care nothing for the game they're supposed to be stewards of, and have a ginormous split between the largest teams and smallest. There's not nearly enough revenue sharing to have true competitive balance and the owners seem completely uninterested in addressing it. They had to have a lawsuit come at them and the threat of congressional hearings to have any movement on the disgusting treatment of minor league players. They locked the players out because they don't care all that much about the regular season and simply wanted to pressure the players into accepting another bad deal, to keep them from a) massing additional warchests for a strike, and b) to keep the players from having the power to spike the postseason 4-5 months from now and give them leverage for a better deal. They locked the players out, they're cancelling games, they refuse to do anything for real competitive and financial balance, and they want to be guaranteed to make money no matter what happens, on top of having their franchises increasing in value by massive amounts. (even the worst franchise in baseball is worth over $1 Billion.) They want to have all the power to whatever they want, whenever they want. They suck. They get away with a lot of this because a) people root for laundry more than they root for players, even now, and b) they tend to stay out of sight, no one knows who they are, and there's far fewer of them so outside of markets where fans are perpetually mad at ownership...people don't personalize this against them. The hide behind the team logo to make people think it's only "greedy" players screwing this all up, when the truth is no one can possibly match the greed and arrogance of the owners.
In terms of the actual negotiations, I feel like the players are going to end up settling because the owners have more power, especially after the mlbpa got totally housed in the last CBA, and it's harder to swim against that tide especially with a larger membership, many of whom "need" those salaries. Ownership is fabulously wealthy with or without ticket sales and concessions and they damn well know it. They'll give us all a middle finger, cancelling games for months to keep what they have and get what they want.
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