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POTUS Donald Trump


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I tend to ignore right wing crazies for my own sanity but after both Trump's overt racism and the O'Keefe **** up on the same day, I went to see what some were saying. I shouldn't have bothered. I'm usually an optimist but I think there's a solid 30% of this country that's hopeless.

I did the exact same thing today! And feel the exact same regret...

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Some (a lot of) indication that Flynn may have flipped, as his Turkish partner just plead.  He looks pretty dirty,* and has lots of crossover to Kushner,** who faces new allegations of undisclosed bank-rolling by Russia via the paradise papers (non-MSM source).


That's largely just this past couple days.  I think in the end, we'll all marvel at how bold and impudent these men were.


*two links here, one at each word. 

**long load time for interactive chart

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Some (a lot of) indication that Flynn may have flipped, as his Turkish partner just plead. He looks pretty dirty,* and has lots of crossover to Kushner,** who faces new allegations of undisclosed bank-rolling by Russia via the paradise papers (non-MSM source).


That's largely just this past couple days. I think in the end, we'll all marvel at how bold and impudent these men were.


*two links here, one at each word.

**long load time for interactive chart

Mueller only gives a deal to Flynn for probably three people.

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And now President Trump has retweeted actual anti-Muslim drivel from convicted far right nationalists. There is no longer any way to rationalize or defend Trump. He's a racist buffoon.



There was never a way to rationalize or defend Trump, yet his supporters still will. And I'm sure his supporters liked this.

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And now President Trump has retweeted actual anti-Muslim drivel from convicted far right nationalists. There is no longer any way to rationalize or defend Trump. He's a racist buffoon.



I'm sure that Trump will follow up with retweeted videos of a two-bit white nationalist beating a black person, just like the two-bit punk beating on a crippled guy. Because he's fair minded, you know.

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I can't decide if this makes me more sad or mad.


Part of my job at my church is working with local imams here is St. Paul. We had a pastor/imam lunch yesterday, and the big takeaway is that all of the imams said this past year was the toughest by far they have had, with harassment among other things. And this is not going to make it any better.

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I'm sure that Trump will follow up with retweeted videos of a two-bit white nationalist beating a black person, just like the two-bit punk beating on a crippled guy. Because he's fair minded, you know.


Right after his tweets where he acknowledges some people might have been offended by his Pocahontas remarks and he apologizes for being insensitive to how other people might feel.  Regardless of what his feelings were of Warren, he should not have put his own personal issues above the event at hand and he is sorry and after some serious thought and reflection he can see how the name would be considered a slur and he was wrong to use it.


The Joe Scarborough tweet where he implies he might have been involved with the death of an intern who actually died of a heart condition is also something I have a hard time seeing FDR or Lincoln do.


Eric's tweet about Pocahontas being a Disney movie, so how could it be a slur made me again question which of the older Trump sons is a bigger blight on humanity.  I finally make up my mind and then the other one will do something that makes me re-evaluate. 



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And now President Trump has retweeted actual anti-Muslim drivel from convicted far right nationalists. There is no longer any way to rationalize or defend Trump. He's a racist buffoon.




It would be nice if the government in Britain officially condemned him on the floor of Parliament for those retweets.  I have seen the tweets from some officials criticizing him, but I would love to see something official.   I would like to see some of our allies stop trying to maintain a good standing with him and just straight out call him out for what he is.

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He thinks he is responding to the British PM's twitter account - it is another woman named Theresa  May.  I have made mistakes e-mailing the wrong person etc., but I think this is one instance I would triple check I was tagging the right person, unless maybe he really thought the British PM only had 6 followers.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
10m10 minutes ago

Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!


He does seem like he is getting more and more unraveled.  

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There have been a few articles on cnn and the NYTimes recently that are suggesting that he's mentally unstable in a real way as opposed to the normal "He's nuts!" way that we all think. And the Mueller probe is apparently flipping Flynn and there is a lot of speculation about how that will affect those in his inner circle.


Maybe he's just really stressed out. He should retire.

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You are starting to hear more whispers that he is getting more unstable.  I think that is evident by his tweets yesterday, and how he seems even more detached from reality when he spouts of his lies.


I think the GOP leadership knows this, but they are pretending not to see, because they want to pass their tax bill.  The bill that heavily favors the rich and corporations, that studies have shown will not further stimulate the economy, has trigger points that will increase the tax burdens on the middle class to help combat the deficit, and they are laying the ground work to gut social security and medicare when this tax cut ends up being a burden.


Trump is creating a bunch of damage that may take decades to overcome, if that will even be possible, but he would not be able to do it if you did not have a Congress and Senate who don't care about the damage as long as their donors are happy and/or they feel they moral viewpoint is restored in their twisted vision of a Norman Rockwell world.


Also, depressing is Moore will probably get elected and ultimately sworn in without much real protest.

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He thinks he is responding to the British PM's twitter account - it is another woman named Theresa  May.  I have made mistakes e-mailing the wrong person etc., but I think this is one instance I would triple check I was tagging the right person, unless maybe he really thought the British PM only had 6 followers.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
10m10 minutes ago

Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!


He does seem like he is getting more and more unraveled.  

I'm really really really hoping that DeWayne Wade takes some potshots at Trump and Trump catches wind of it and then goes after the wrong DWade on twitter....TwinsDaily traffic would go through the roof!

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Today really seems like it could be the beginning of the end.


I don't think Mueller is letting Flynn off light to merely get someone like Pence or Sessions. It is Trump Jr, Kushner, or the President himself.


I can see why the Republicans are rushing through this tax cut atrocity, they are running out of time to loot the country for their donors before it all crashes in.

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I don't think it will be a group of people that history will treat kindly.


At least he is giving millions of acres of artifact rich land with great significance to the Native Americans back to the mines people.  It is almost surprising he did not somehow manage to work Pocahontas into his signing statement. 


I could possibly do a better job than Trump's attorneys (although to be fair to them, he is not exactly an easy client) and I have not written a brief in over 15 years.

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I never thought I'd see a real life Watergate situation. This is becoming more and more bizarre. His lawyer now claiming he is above the law and taking credit for a tweet? When the dust settles I really think the only questions remaining will be the same people that think the Clintons killed people (in other words, everyone that listens to faux news).

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You guys still think all this matters. His base, the republican party, is almost half the population of the country and control far more than that. Its not just the far right, or the crazy trumpers or whatever, its the entire population that voted and will continue to vote for this trash as long as they are given the chance. And they won't do a damn ****ing thing about any of this. They will literally burn it all down before letting "the liberals" beat them. None of these people are going to prison, no one will deal with any reckoning. No legacies are tarnished, the people have what they've always wanted, leaders that make them feel smart. Woe is all of us. Maybe it was the fluoride all along.

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This Israel capital issue is puzzling to me. Not a single other country is behind this move. Why the **** are we doing this on our own? Netanyahu is a joke. Obama left barely on spreading terms with him because of many reasons. I just don't get it. We have nothing to gain in the region by propping up Israel at all costs.


Trump has to have some reason for this right? Why do it otherwise? This man is single handedly destroying our diplomatic relationships across the globe.

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This Israel capital issue is puzzling to me. Not a single other country is behind this move. Why the **** are we doing this on our own? Netanyahu is a joke. Obama left barely on spreading terms with him because of many reasons. I just don't get it. We have nothing to gain in the region by propping up Israel at all costs.

Trump has to have some reason for this right? Why do it otherwise? This man is single handedly destroying our diplomatic relationships across the globe.


The best part is he'll never actually move the embassy there, just make a statement and sign indefinite waivers.

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Trump has to have some reason for this right? Why do it otherwise? This man is single handedly destroying our diplomatic relationships across the globe.


This is very important to his evangelical  base for some reason ( I think partially so they will be ready for the rapture and partially because it sticks it to the Arab population).  I think part of the timing is that he is throwing them red meat to them to get them motivated to vote in the AL election next week.  He really only thinks of his needs -- does not think of any long-term consequences or how other people might be affected.


If you want to get cynical it also creates a diversion from certain investigations.  I have noticed Fox and other right wing sources are doing their best to make the Mueller investigation seem like a vindictive partisan witch hunt who have said a sacred vow to Hilary.  I cannot even comprehend how much damage Fox News has inflicted over the country over the years.


I also found it a little odd he made this announcement about the Jewish state in front of a Christmas tree.  Although I just read he hosted the White House Hanukkah party with no Hanukkah decorations but in a room with four large Christmas tree, so I guess it should not be a surprise.


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The best part is the embassy will never actually move to Jerusalem. There will be continuous waivers.


Like most things with Trump, lots of talk and bluster, no substance.



Yeah, but his words can make this stuff happen.

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If you want to get cynical it also creates a diversion from certain investigations.  I have noticed Fox and other right wing sources are doing their best to make the Mueller investigation seem like a vindictive partisan witch hunt who have said a sacred vow to Hilary. 

It's not just "sources", some members of Congress have chosen to speak openly in these terms. Sounds to me like the groundwork is being laid for Trump to fire Mueller very soon. I believe Mueller is getting very close to a smoking gun, making even desperate measures the only way for Trump to proceed at this point. I half expected to read of the firing in this morning's news feed.

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