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He responds more quickly to people of a certain status. 99.9% of white members of the current mainstream anti cop hate group are complete nobodys. I seem to recall myself reacting quickly when the white Governor of this state made what I considered stupid comments the day before 7 Dallas officers were murdered in the name of the movement. I don't know if Trump is as enraged by anti cop hate rhetoric as I am, but keep in mind we will never forget even if the media and the movement want everyone to forget. After 5 years of shouting from the rooftops Bernghazi we figured out certain people will never care if it comes from out side, we're done reminding you of horrifying things, but we will never ever ever ever forget what happened in Dallas the day after Mark Dayton threw fuel on the fire. By the way whats going on with the latest Minneapolis officer involved shooting, nobody seems to care. racism goes multiple ways.

Benghazi? I think I understand better why people ignored you.


And regarding the police shooting, the chief lost her job and there is pretty high confidence that the police officer will face actual consequences. Not much need for protests. If they same sort of accountability followed the killing of unarmed black men, black lives matter wouldn't exist.

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That deserves the Billy Madison meme.

Mod note: Rather than remove this post, let me remind everyone here that even in a heated topic like politics, we do require posters to maintain a level of respect and decency in what we say to each other.


Implying, much less saying, that someone's comments are "insanely idiotic" (et cetera a la Billy Madison) is out of bounds at any time. Rebut if you can and wish to, or ignore, but don't insult.

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And regarding the police shooting, the chief lost her job and there is pretty high confidence that the police officer will face actual consequences. Not much need for protests. If they same sort of accountability followed the killing of unarmed black men, black lives matter wouldn't exist.


The chief lost her job because she and Betsy Hodges had a horrible working relationship and Betsy found an oppurtunity.  And of course the officer will face and hopefully be convicted of charges of some sort.  My point is the media is going out of it's way not to discuss the story at anywhere near the frequency of other shootings.  If details are what they are in this case newsrooms are ordered not to mention the details that they otherwise would.  Protesters sure don't care about this story.  It doesn't fit the narrative feel free to ignore it as you felt free to ignore Benghazi and you felt free to ignore the officers in Dallas, the media gives you full permission.

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The chief lost her job because she and Betsy Hodges had a horrible working relationship and Betsy found an oppurtunity. And of course the officer will face and hopefully be convicted of charges of some sort. My point is the media is going out of it's way not to discuss the story at anywhere near the frequency of other shootings. If details are what they are in this case newsrooms are ordered not to mention the details that they otherwise would. Protesters sure don't care about this story. It doesn't fit the narrative feel free to ignore it as you felt free to ignore Benghazi and you felt free to ignore the officers in Dallas, the media gives you full permission.

Media coverage absolutely follows protests on something like a polic shooting. I imagine the police want to sweep all officer shootings under the rug. Without protest pressure, the media won't do it themselves. They'll move on.


I don't really understand what you're getting at with the Dallas story. It was huge news for a while. The guy who shot the police officers was killed. Not really understanding what else you would want.


I didn't ignore Benghazi, I followed that story very closely. But the media moved on from coverage after a while for good reason. There was nothing there beyond what came out in the first week or two. The multiple Congressional investigations showed as much. They turned into a way for Relublucan Congressional members to dig into the Democratic front runner until they found something, even something unrelated to the original events. And it definitely served its purpose.

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The chief lost her job because she and Betsy Hodges had a horrible working relationship and Betsy found an oppurtunity.  And of course the officer will face and hopefully be convicted of charges of some sort.  My point is the media is going out of it's way not to discuss the story at anywhere near the frequency of other shootings.  If details are what they are in this case newsrooms are ordered not to mention the details that they otherwise would.  Protesters sure don't care about this story.  It doesn't fit the narrative feel free to ignore it as you felt free to ignore Benghazi and you felt free to ignore the officers in Dallas, the media gives you full permission.

"Newsrooms are otdered not to mention the details that they otherwise would."


How would this work, exactly? Details please. Who so ordered? Written, verbal, what? Everyone, or just the editor in chief?


Why do you suppose nobody, anywhere, leaked this conspiracy?

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"Newsrooms are otdered not to mention the details that they otherwise would."

How would this work, exactly? Details please. Who so ordered? Written, verbal, what? Everyone, or just the editor in chief?

Why do you suppose nobody, anywhere, leaked this conspiracy?


Conspiracy?  This is public information when the race of a criminal is not white that detail is never to be mentioned.  The narrative is white officers are killing black people we here every detail about race when it's white open black every time.  In this case the media local media revealed the officers race in initial stories and moved on.  The national media did not reveal race and never mentioned the story again.  The media will consider officers of many races white if they can get away with it.  Denying media bias exists does nobody any good.  I liked it better when the media narrative was simply sharks attacking back in the summer of 2001 but the media does what it does.  Rational people saw it back then without the power of the internet so I would imagine reasonable people are very aware of it now even if for political purposes they pretend not to know.

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Conspiracy? This is public information when the race of a criminal is not white that detail is never to be mentioned. The narrative is white officers are killing black people we here every detail about race when it's white open black every time. In this case the media local media revealed the officers race in initial stories and moved on. The national media did not reveal race and never mentioned the story again. The media will consider officers of many races white if they can get away with it. Denying media bias exists does nobody any good. I liked it better when the media narrative was simply sharks attacking back in the summer of 2001 but the media does what it does. Rational people saw it back then without the power of the internet so I would imagine reasonable people are very aware of it now even if for political purposes they pretend not to know.

I never thought the race of the officer mattered as much as the race of the individual killed. When there is a white victim, there is an expectation of a good faith investigation and true justice. Which is why you don't see protests. With a black victim, not so much. A pretty typical cycle of smear the victim, suppress evidence, and provide a cut and paste story of how the victim went after a gun or something. Rinse, repeat, and hope a video doesn't surface.


While I agree there is some media bias (the media tends to attract educated urbanites), I think you give them too much credit. They respond to external pressures and the desire for ratings. Overall, blaming the media is much easier and more emotionally satisfying than wrestling with what is happening right in front of our face.

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Denying media bias exists does nobody any good.

Geez, it's almost like they're trying to rectify hundreds of years of purposeful and unsubstantiated stereotypes and terrible social injustices they helped cause which has still even today lead to an unfounded persecution complex that some middle class white males still unfathomably embrace.

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Wow. He waits a week to acknowledge Puerto Rico... and slams them for being in debt. Words cannot.....

But hey ... let's all be forced to stand for that flag. Perspective and priorities are lacking. But then, I knew that.

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Can't wait for the battle over the standard deduction, and how many people will realize they'll actually pay taxes on more income (and if they make a median amount, maybe more taxes overall) if they try to itemize mortgage interest or charitable giving....


Of course, we all know those deductions will somehow still apply, and the result will be the US government will be in as good a shape as the KS government was....

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But hey ... let's all be forced to stand for that flag. Perspective and priorities are lacking. But then, I knew that.

First of all, stand for the anthem. It's the right thing to do. It's offensive to most of us when people don't.


If you can't stand because it's the right thing to do, stand because not doing so is counterproductive. It will not result in better policing, but I guarantee it will make it harder for Democrats to get elected. Way to go.

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First of all, stand for the anthem. It's the right thing to do. It's offensive to most of us when people don't.

If you can't stand because it's the right thing to do, stand because not doing so is counterproductive. It will not result in better policing, but I guarantee it will make it harder for Democrats to get elected. Way to go.

"I wish nothing but good; therefore, everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor and a scoundrel." -- King George III

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First of all, stand for the anthem. It's the right thing to do. It's offensive to most of us when people don't.

If you can't stand because it's the right thing to do, stand because not doing so is counterproductive. It will not result in better policing, but I guarantee it will make it harder for Democrats to get elected. Way to go.

That wasn't really my point. I can't believe the number of people, especially the president, who are focused on this when PR is torn apart, (I know people here who have still not heard from family members there), when people in Florida and Houston still have no where to live, when the northwest has been ravaged by fires, when there are serious investigations ongoing about the collusion of our president and/or his team with a hostile foreign government over the involvement and interference of our election, when there are those in our own country who are oppressed and discriminated against for their gender, race, religion, etc., and the list goes on. I see so many people shrug at ALL of these things, these things that are a WORSE subversion of everything these symbols (the anthem being one) of our country stand for. And in the process of forcing people to stand, take away yet another freedom. It's hypocritical at best. But I guess to each his/her own but I just can't understand the extreme care for one and none of the others.


As for me, I stand. Because it means something to me. And I try to sing along, unless whomever is performing the anthem makes a mockery of it with a horrible performance and I can't. As for the person next to me, it's his/her right to do what they think is best. It is THEIR RIGHT to show their patriotism and love of country in their own way. I am not as sure as you that standing is the right thing to do for one and all. Kneeling before God isn't disrespectful, so why is kneeling for the Anthem disrespectful. I don't bow my head and close my eyes to pray, am I a heathen? I don't shut myself in a building every Sunday to do so, either, so am I less religious, less devoted, less deserving?


The fact that the most repugnant human being can stand before the country, draped in the symbols of our democracy and freedoms, do more to destroy them with his actions, and wants to force anyone to stand for the anthem, while devastions of life is around him, well, I just don't know what to say. He is the antithesis of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and for him to Twitter away about this, imo the least of his priorities right now, it's just disgusting. That was my point.

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First of all, stand for the anthem. It's the right thing to do. It's offensive to most of us when people don't.

If you can't stand because it's the right thing to do, stand because not doing so is counterproductive. It will not result in better policing, but I guarantee it will make it harder for Democrats to get elected. Way to go.


Protests that don't offend or bother people result in no change. That's kind of the point of protests, to make the comfortable uncomfortable.

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First of all, stand for the anthem. It's the right thing to do. It's offensive to most of us when people don't.

If you can't stand because it's the right thing to do, stand because not doing so is counterproductive. It will not result in better policing, but I guarantee it will make it harder for Democrats to get elected. Way to go.

Really, you're offended when people don't stand? Have you ever gone to a sporting event and seen how many people in the stands don't stand or are looking at their phone or talking, etc. Do those people offend you? Or is it just the players? There was a minor kerfuffle on TD last year when some fan popped off against the Twins for not respecting the flag during God Bless America. 


And, as Mike rightly points out, the reason you protest is to bring light to a situation that others don't want to acknowledge. Our justice system values black lives less than it values white lives. That's wrong and society should realize that and strive to fix it. 

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Really, you're offended when people don't stand? Have you ever gone to a sporting event and seen how many people in the stands don't stand or are looking at their phone or talking, etc. Do those people offend you? Or is it just the players? There was a minor kerfuffle on TD last year when some fan popped off against the Twins for not respecting the flag during God Bless America.


And, as Mike rightly points out, the reason you protest is to bring light to a situation that others don't want to acknowledge. Our justice system values black lives less than it values white lives. That's wrong and society should realize that and strive to fix it.

As a matter of fact, yes. I'm offended when people don't stand for the anthem.


I'm also offended by racial inequality...to a much higher degree.


But not standing for the anthem does NOTHING to address that. It only serves to distract from that issue. And by doing so, make it LESS likely that anything constructive happens.


You've all managed to make Donald Trump appear to most people as on the right side of an issue, and an issue that consumes all the oxygen in the room.



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As a matter of fact, yes. I'm offended when people don't stand for the anthem.

I'm also offended by racial inequality...to a much higher degree.

But not standing for the anthem does NOTHING to address that. It only serves to distract from that issue. And by doing so, make it LESS likely that anything constructive happens.

You've all managed to make Donald Trump appear to most people as on the right side of an issue, and an issue that consumes all the oxygen in the room.


My guess is that most people don't think about racial inequality at all. And when players silently protest it brings the issue to light which is the first step in addressing the problem. If people are agreeing with Donald Trump well, maybe they need to rethink their choices in life. 

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As a matter of fact, yes. I'm offended when people don't stand for the anthem.

I'm also offended by racial inequality...to a much higher degree.

But not standing for the anthem does NOTHING to address that. It only serves to distract from that issue. And by doing so, make it LESS likely that anything constructive happens.

You've all managed to make Donald Trump appear to most people as on the right side of an issue, and an issue that consumes all the oxygen in the room.



I totally get what you are saying......but you sound, and I know this isn't you, like the people who basically say people shouldn't protest at all. I know that's not you, but telling people how to protest isn't exactly all about freedom of speech.


As for it's effectiveness, that's what people said about sitting in the front of the bus, or at the white only counter at the cafe, that it just pissed people off and was counter productive. 538 has a good piece on how our view of those protests change over time.....

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I also imagine the opinion on this matter shifted a bunch in the last week. Trump was on the right side until he intervened so strongly. Now it has morphed into much morr, including solidarity of a team, defense of free speech, #resistance, and not having some orange bozo dictate what is and isn't correct behavior.


To sum up, I don't think Trump represents the opinion of "most" anymore.

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I also imagine the opinion on this matter shifted a bunch in the last week. Trump was on the right side until he intervened so strongly. Now it has morphed into much morr, including solidarity of a team, defense of free speech, #resistance, and not having some orange bozo dictate what is and isn't correct behavior.

To sum up, I don't think Trump represents the opinion of "most" anymore.


I have no idea how many believe what here...

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I totally get what you are saying......but you sound, and I know this isn't you, like the people who basically say people shouldn't protest at all. I know that's not you, but telling people how to protest isn't exactly all about freedom of speech.


As for it's effectiveness, that's what people said about sitting in the front of the bus, or at the white only counter at the cafe, that it just pissed people off and was counter productive. 538 has a good piece on how our view of those protests change over time.....

Well, I'm not telling anyone how to protest. Or not to protest.


I think I'm telling them why I believe their choice is not only a poor one, but counterproductive.


You want to know why Democrats have a hard time winning elections? One reason is they let, or cause in this case, conversations about bad cops become conversations about standing for the anthem.


And they lose that conversation. Every time.

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