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It's been a few years since I did this. You'll either love it or hate it. Here are some anagrams of the 25-man roster. I don't claim a lot of creativity, and I used a program to generate possibilities. I spared the mods some grief by leaving out the dirty ones. Some names are pretty barren (had to cheat and use Mauer's given name Joseph), while others give an embarrassment of riches and you might think up better ones. Or you might even spot some typos/errors, because I don't have an editor to check my work.


Burton, Jared

Jarred On Tub

Be Rotund Jar

Red Banjo Rut


Correia, Kevin

I Overrank Ice

Arrive Nice, OK?

Re: A Rink Voice


De Vries, Cole

Relieves Doc

Ever I'd Close

Lo, Deceivers!


Duensing, Brian

SABR Inning Due

Unbending Airs

A Burdening Sin


Fien, Casey

In Ye Faces

Yes, Fiance

If Eyes Can


Hendriks, Liam

Kindlier Hams

Damn Irish Elk

Had Milk Rinse


Pelfrey, Mike

Key P.M. Relief

Keep My Rifle

Me Fry Elk Pie


Perkins, Glen

Kneel, Spring

Kennel Grips

Kelp Ginners


Pressly, Ryan

Snarly Preys

Spryly Earns

Sly Spy Reran


Robertson, Tyler

Re: Yr Rotten Lobs

Only Best Terror

Torrent By Loser


Roenicke, Josh

Senior Jock, Eh?

No, I Chose Jerk

Hi, Joke Censor


Worley, Vance

Lawyer Coven

Clever? No Way

Rewoven Clay


Ryan Doumit

A Minor Duty

Rainy To Mud

Road Mutiny


Joseph Mauer

A Hose Jumper

A Jeep's Humor

Heroes Jam Up


Carroll, Jamey

Clearly Major

Am Jolly Racer

Larry, Calm Joe


Dozier, Brian

Bizarre Odin

Bird Air Zone

Barn Iodizer


Escobar, Eduardo

Absurd Rodeo Ace

Due A Scoreboard

Bread Cause Odor


Florimon, Pedro

Implode For Ron

Redo Minor Flop

Poor Field Norm


Mastroianni, Darin

Indiana Rainstorm

Maintains In Ardor

Nod, Sit In Marinara


Morneau, Justin

Unjar Mounties

Injures Man Out

A Moist June Run


Parmelee, Chris

He Riles Camper

I Help Screamer

Smile, Preacher!


Plouffe, Trevor

Pervert Of Foul

Flop Tour Fever

Prove Four Left


Hicks, Aaron

Oh, I Ransack

Hi Narc, KAOS?

A Shark Coin


Ramirez, Wilkin

Kremlin Air Wiz

I Win Milk Razer

Kiwi Raze Mr. Nil


Willingham, Josh

Jowl Lashing Him

MN Jails High, Low

Hill Jig Showman

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