Almost my first game
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I have been in the military a long time and have been privileged to come close to seeing my Twins play. When I was in Minot ND, I had purchased my tickets, right behind third base, had a hotel picked out, selected a friend to go with me, and was two days away from my trip when I got the call. The man on the other end was one who did not ask questions, he was more of a hard assed supervisor who did not discuss much with those he out ranked. I knew I should not have picked up the phone; after all, it had been a very bad week. First, my apartment had flooded and the property management company did not want to do anything about it, they said it was up to me to clean my apartment. Not very nice, so I cleaned out a little water, near the front entrance, my place saw only a little bit of the liquid invasion. Then once I got back from a three day trip out to work, I found my place had flooded again. Once I found out this time, I found out the management company would then clean it and replace my damaged property for me. So, while a bad week, it still had a little good to it, which is until I answered the phone. And then, there went my summer. I had to travel out to work, missed the Twins game, my friend was upset, and I still held onto the tickets for a long time trying to play a game with my boss, who, did not like the guilt trip and told me to cease. That was more than a couple of years ago. That was during the 2006 season, and I have since moved on.
I found out I will be going to Del Rio Texas in July, not a bad place considering where I am now, but still not up north where I love it. There will be no snow, little rain, and most of all, no Twins games on T.V. I will have to resort to ordering the MLB network assortment of baseball games, and just to let everyone know, I am currently trying to convince my wife to make it to the Rangers game with me in August. I am sure I will have to bribe her with a shopping spree or something. And to tell the truth, I don’t care how bad they may be, I have come to accept this year will be much like last year, and the year before, but I also think we can win a few more games. People keep saying a bad day of baseball is better than a good day at home, or work, or just about everywhere else. This I believe. I also think the pitching staff might be like last years, different in the end than in the beginning. But I accept this, as a Twins fan, I must face the reality of how bad my team has been the last few years, and may be this year, but I am also looking forward to see them in the years to come. TR did some good trades and the pitching pickups should be a great help in the future. But, I will remain patient, and hopefully will see them in the WS in a few years.
I may not be as well informed as many of the other people who write for this site, I dont do all the stat projections or research and all, but I will post something every once in a while and hope people will enjoy reading it.
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