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Josh Donaldson's calves?

Doctor Gast



Twins Video

I've thought about writing this blog for some time now. I trust that Donaldson is surrounded by professionals so I've restrained myself from writing on this subject.

I'd like to start with personal testimony. A short time ago, I had a surgery and was bed ridden for some time. As soon as I went back to my walking. As usual I stretched out and started my walk. I started out with just a short walk but my calves and hamstrings cramped up like everything. I knew muscle cramps is a deficiency of magnesium. So I started to take magnesium supplements and the cramps went away immediately. Recently I reduced and eliminated taking supplements and my legs started to tighten up when I stretched out.

I'm sure Donaldson goes through a regiment of stretching, massages, soaking, use heavy duty calf supports and even most likely was tested for magnesium deficiency. But magnesium blood tests can be deceiving. Magnesium is necessary for proper cell development like muscle, nerve, bone etc. most Americans are deficient of it.

I don't recommend Donaldson to nurse his big calves with "milk of magnesium" (sorry I couldn't resist). But I do suggest maybe a magnesium cream, a magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) soak. Donaldson really works those calves so he might need to take magnesium supplements. Magnesium is normally safe but you can over do it so I recommend to consult his health care giver.

I'd really like to see him overcome this problem and be a super star with the Twins.



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That's really interesting -- I did not know that most Americans are magnesium deficient! Or that that is why Epsom salts are helpful. 


Were you told about this by your doctor? Because if you were, one would assume his doctor told him, too. Still, if I were a reporter, I would ask him if he's taking magnesium. Maybe this is something John Bonnes or Aaron Gleeman could ask about. Can't hurt. And what heroes they would be if they fixed the Twins' 80 million dollar man!

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No, I self diagnosed but here in Brazil I need a doctor's prescription to get it. So I got a doctor friend to write one for me. These facts can be found on the internet.

BTW almonds are a good source of magnesium.

That's really interesting -- I did not know that most Americans are magnesium deficient! Or that that is why Epsom salts are helpful. Were you told about this by your doctor? Because if you were, one would assume his doctor told him, too. Still, if I were a reporter, I would ask him if he's taking magnesium. Maybe this is something John Bonnes or Aaron Gleeman could ask about. Can't hurt. And what heroes they would be if they fixed the Twins' 80 million dollar man!

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I liked this outside the box article. Makes sense to me.

I'm glad you liked it.

Here's a snippet from "Triathlete"


"Athletes in particular might find it easy to explain away fatigue or muscle cramps, lowered immunity, and even altered heart rates, and indeed these symptoms are common and multi-faceted in cause. However, a simple magnesium deficiency could also be the underlying factor.

There is emerging evidence that magnesium requirements are significantly elevated in athletes, and that performance might benefit from higher intakes. Aside from being used up in the production of energy, magnesium might also assist performance by reducing accumulation of lactic acid and reducing the perception of fatigue during strenuous exercise through its action on the nervous system. Magnesium is also lost through sweat, so athletes training hard in hot and humid environments might further increase demands.

Magnesium deficiency is actually quite common—dietary surveys indicate more than 70 percent of the population consumes insufficient magnesium.

The recommended daily allowance for the general population is a minimum of 300 to 350 mg for women and 400 to 450 mg for men. Research suggests that endurance athletes can safely consume 500 to 800 mg daily, and there is debate as to whether this amount should be higher still."

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Many years ago I was playing through the pain of a pulled groin muscle. It went on for about 6 weeks. It would improve and I would tweak it again. It was very frustrating. After an especially bad tweak, a teammate recommended a calcium/magnesium product. It seems your body needs sufficient calcium to utilize the magnesium. I went to his place after a game and his wife hooked me up with this stuff. The pulled muscle healed in about a week. It was like it never happened. I was a little freaked out with the results. I would recommend it to anybody.

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I 1st

Many years ago I was playing through the pain of a pulled groin muscle. It went on for about 6 weeks. It would improve and I would tweak it again. It was very frustrating. After an especially bad tweak, a teammate recommended a calcium/magnesium product. It seems your body needs sufficient calcium to utilize the magnesium. I went to his place after a game and his wife hooked me up with this stuff. The pulled muscle healed in about a week. It was like it never happened. I was a little freaked out with the results. I would recommend it to anybody.

I 1st discovered magnesium when I had kidney stones. I researched my problem and found out that magnesium helped calcium to be absorbed in the bones and keeps it from building up in the tissues. Then is when I read that muscle cramps were caused by magnesium deficiency.
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Many years ago I was playing through the pain of a pulled groin muscle. It went on for about 6 weeks. It would improve and I would tweak it again. It was very frustrating. After an especially bad tweak, a teammate recommended a calcium/magnesium product. It seems your body needs sufficient calcium to utilize the magnesium. I went to his place after a game and his wife hooked me up with this stuff. The pulled muscle healed in about a week. It was like it never happened. I was a little freaked out with the results. I would recommend it to anybody.

Thank you for sharing that

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