Scott Diamond and a +/- wins bet, rating Cory Provus, Coomer, Smalley, TK
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I have consistently said good things about Scott Diamond. He has been the pitching MVP for the Twins this year by far. I have enjoyed watching the games he has pitched as he hasn't lost his "control of the game" at all this year in my opinion. He is very consistent in the strike zone, doesn't give up walks, and lets the defense get outs for him. He reminds me of a young Steve Avery from the Braves. I have continued to tell a buddy of mine that he has impressed me. Of course as a Brewer fan, "and a Minnesota hater" he has to tell me all of the things he doesn't do, and that it has been luck that he has as many wins as he has, and his ERA is so low because of where the balls have been hit, and the amount of players left on base is going to start going the other way. I am a big fan of sabremetrics, but when you watch somebody in control like Diamond vs Liriano I don't think the stats tell the entire story. That being said, the Twins are 15 games under .500 I took a wager that I have the Twins win in Diamonds starts against the losses of Diamonds starts. I think I have the good end of the stick. I could be wrong on this one, watching tonights game in the bottom of the 7th I would be 1-1 since we took the wager.
This is the first year in my lifetime that John Gordon hasn't been in the radio booth. Cory Provus from the Brewers took over and I have been able to listen to games when he is on, on my way from work and away from a TV. I have also been very used to listening to Dick Bremer and Bert Blyleven. With Blyleven taking a lot more games off this year we have had a mix of Tom Kelly, Roy Smalley, and Ron Coomer. I have really liked listening to different people, along with the different takes on each one. If I had a choice of someone to pick if Blyleven left this is how I would go.
First I want to rate Cory Provus as I have listened to enough games now to get him, and adjust to listening to someone else.
1. Excitement C+, I don't always get the excitement of what is going on with Provus yet, even though it will come. This is the first year of doing the Twins broadcast and it has to be tough gaining the excitement level.
2. Color (what is going on) B I think he does a great job of letting us know what is going on that I can visualize it. From what a pitcher is doing, or a hitter at that, even when the play isn't happening and there is a lull. Every time I listen I can get a feeling of what is going on.
3. Teaming with Gladden C I think it is very tough trying to work with Gladden as Gladden does not have good color or excitement, Gladden gives us a little understanding of the technical side of what they are trying to do, but it is hard transitioning and I don't think that is Provus' fault.
4. Knowledge B I think he understands the minor league system as much as he can, as being a first year announcer. He asks good questions to other managers/coaches. He understands the system and starts to learn the players in the system. I am impressed with the baseball knowledge, and doesn't seem to give us blanket statement which we all hate.
Overall B I have to say minus the excitement and the buy in so far he has done a good job, and I really like the choice the organization made.
1. Roy Smalley- If I had a choice to choose a person to take over for Bert it would be Roy Smalley. I know he overstates a lot of players abilities, especially Mauers. But I really like his insight of the game overall. I like the experience he brings, and the stories he can tell. He compliments Bremer very well and I can hear that in the broadcast. I give him an A-
2. TK- I really like TK in the booth in small increments (e.g. 3 game series 4 times a year) He was obviously a smart manager. He prides himself and others on hard work. I really think he has fun in the booth. He knows he isn't there for long, and makes sure to have fun. I think if he would be there for an entire year he would run out of things to say. I have always had the upmost respect for TK, and I really do like listening to him. B-
3. Ron Coomer- Way tooooooo much of a homer. Yes I am a homer, and most of us are. He has too many good things to say about players and not enough of things they have opportunities on. I find it frustrating sometimes that he doesn't say the truth when the player is struggling. I like Coomer when he is in the stands/ takes over for Incmikoski. Bremer really does a great job exploiting the stregths of all of them. I think if Coomer learned more about the other team, or the minor league players the Twins have, he could be better. I really think Coomer lacks work ethic in the booths. C-
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