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    South Georgia (the state, not the country)

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  1. Totally understand . When I talked to him afterwards, he basically said the same thing. And yes we did really enjoy it (after he was done of course... I don't think I took a breath at all the whole time). Coach (and former Minnesota Twins prospect!) Simons put him into the fire right away. Bases loaded, 1 out, his team up 4-2... struck out the first batter on a really filthy CU and got the final batter to weakly pop-up to 2B to end the inning. Back out for the 9th, he got 2 quick outs, walked what might have been the other teams best hitter (almost got him to chase another CU that he threw on a 3-2 count) and then got the final hitter on a pretty nasty 1-2 Slider to end the game. An exceptionally cool experience to say the least.
  2. Covenant College. It's a D3 near Chattanooga. It may not have the glamour of a Tennessee or similar type program, but those are some really talented and hard working kids/young men .
  3. Thanks Seth. Great write up as usual. Love to hear about these guys.... Names (especially new ones) that you hear about during the minor league write ups, but don't really have a lot of background on. Really brings home the the best part of baseball (to me at least ). On an unrelated side note, but one of the best parts of baseball... While not Twins stuff... well sort of, his head coach is a one time Twins prospect (and I realize that almost no one outside of me and momma will care, but... ), my son made his collegiate debut this last Saturday as a Freshman in a pressure packed, high leverage save situation (bases loaded, 8th inning, 1 out, his team leading 4-2). Got a swinging K on the first batter and induced a weak pop up to end the inning. Then finished off the 9th with a swinging K for a two inning save.
  4. Ole Miss is a pretty good team in a really tough conference. Even though they came up a little short, that really speaks to the talent they do have and their resilience. Gophers should definitely not hang their heads after that one.
  5. Thanks again Alex. Love to hear about your former teammate's little brother. Stories like that are just some of the things that make the college game so great. On a more personal note (shameless plug 🤷‍♂️)... my son just told me he will probably make his first appearance of the season (and probably even more exciting to me) his first collegiate appearance this week. Needless to say, I'm probably more nervous than he is.
  6. Remember to put Rum in your coffee, or better yet just drink the rum straight. Either way it's ok, as the rum doesn't make you a drunk, it makes you a pirate.
  7. It's an interesting thought at a minimum, and on the surface does appear appealing in that if structured appropriately, it could help both teams (which should really be the point of a trade anyway... not to "win" it). I think a lot would depend on how ready some of the upcoming younger players are to take a bigger role in the Show.
  8. Not necessarily... It's still early in ST and we can almost certainly agree that the staff isn't taking any unnecessary chances with those guys, especially Larnach and Polanco.
  9. I think/believe we are starting to see the maturation of Jovani at this point. Do I think we will see him maintain a BB rate as low as the end of last season? Probably not quite that low, at least not on a consistent basis, but I do feel that he is learning to trust his "stuff" a little more and we will see the BB rate somewhere in the middle of the two as Adam stated in the article. If that's the case and Jovani can find that nice middle ground... he's going to be solid, because that CU is 🤮🤮🤮.
  10. Thanks Alex (good name BTW... my brother and a fellow UM alum with you is also named Alex ). I really love the college game, possibly even more than MLB, and it is really very cool to hear from a player such as yourself about the game. Living down south, the season starts waay earlier, as you know, and the SEC is larger than life... so it's really easy to forget that some really good baseball players hail from the land of the frozen tundra. Getting my son to spill details about how his Freshman season is going is often like pulling teeth, so again, TYVM... I really love to read and follow story lines like this. Looking forward to more as time permits, Godspeed and God Bless.
  11. Should be some good baseball. If I was in town, it would be pretty cool to see the SEC go head to head with some of the Big Ten-fourteen (or whatever they are calling themselves this week ).
  12. Baseball is hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. That's why I absolutely despise the term "Bust" in reference to these kids. By sheer chance and weight of numbers, the vast majority will never make it to a 2nd or 3rd professional season. Like others, I'm tired of being sour on his chances to succeed in professional ball. Do I believe that he will turn things around...🤷‍♂️? The odds do not look to be in his favor, but I find no reason to bash him as a proxy reason to find perceived fault with the FO. Was it a good draft choice? It definitely wouldn't have been my 1st choice, and in retrospect, other picks look better, but my thought at the end of the day is... so what. It likely isn't going to pan out for us as fans, but I'm not going to quite watching the Twins because of it. So I say... Godspeed young man. Live your dream for as long as the Twins (or other teams) and Good Lord allow you to do so.
  13. Possibly... But at that point it becomes as much a matter of sequencing and changing the batters "eye level" by making him take another offering into account. Especially if they are keyed on the FB. Thrown in that type of situation, a hitter is going to look like a human Ice Augur. 2 - 0 Change Ups are why I have trust issues...
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