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  1. I’d be ok with leaving Odorizzi in if his pitch count was lower. If I remember correctly, he was pulled at exactly 100 pitches for May. At that point it’s a question of having Odorizzi pitch more than Baldelli is likely comfortable with or going to the pen. Having our starting pitchers pitch 120 pitches as a means to lessen the bullpen load likely isn’t sustainable either. Bottom line is the team needs bullpen reinforcement or guys to step up, or we’re going to have these let’s hope the bullpen survives games on a fairly frequent basis.
  2. I’d be ok with leaving Odorizzi in if his pitch count was lower. If I remember correctly, he was pulled at exactly 100 pitches for May. At that point it’s a question of having Odorizzi pitch more than Baldelli is likely comfortable with or going to the pen. Having our starting pitchers pitch 120 pitches as a means to lessen the bullpen load likely isn’t sustainable either. Bottom line is the team needs bullpen reinforcement or guys to step up, or we’re going to have these let’s hope the bullpen survives games on a fairly frequent basis.
  3. But isn't that exactly the point? He has to "get away with one here" fairly frequently so that he doesn't overwork Rogers, Hildy (and hopefully at least two other relievers that are added or promoted or that step up) so that in September and hopefully beyond those guys aren't toast. We rightfully critiqued Moliter last year for overworking the top guys in the bullpen by bringing them in to every slightly high leverage situation. You can't do that and expect those guys' arms to hold up late in the season. So he has to gamble with the weaker back end of the pen from time to time. I'd argue being up 7-2, even against Houston, when Rogers and Hildy were used heavily the prior two days, is exactly that kind of situation.
  4. I'd extend him, but not sure that's enough. Might be more like 2 years, 20 million. But that sets him up where if he keeps playing at this level over the course of that extension, he could get a decent payday. I really hope the FO does everything they can to buy out a couple years of FA on Rosario and Berrios as well. I'd try Buxton again too.
  5. I think the narrative that all the front office has done is fire people is a bit misleading. For one thing, they brought in James Rowson and Jeff Pickler, both of whom seem to have had a positive impact on the Twins season. Rowson in particular has to be given credit for the offensive improvement of several of the Twins players. Pickler was more behind the scenes but based on watching the games I'd say some of the things like the outfielder's alignment cards are likely due to his presence. At the minor league level, their first draft seems like a success although that's a little more controversial and too early to judge. I'm holding off too much judgment until after this offseason, but I like at least most of what we've so far.
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