What a shock, the training staff for the Twins once again appears incompetent and woeful at their jobs. Maybe these guys are truly some of the best doctors and trainers on the planet, but considering their track record this year, it sure doesn't look like they are. I know they just cleared out the training staff a few years ago, but it might be time to do so again. Also, the need to stop accepting applications from doctors who list Dr. Nick from the Simpsons as a reference. I get the language barrier perhaps being a factor, but isn't it also on the manager and his staff to notice the minor things happening to a player? Did no one notice that Park was icing his hand more than normal or that he may have grimaced or favored his wrist/hand during AB's, before or after AB's, during batting practice, etc? Molitor and his staff look just as incompetent, if not more than the training staff through all of this. Molitor couldn't have been so stupid that he didn't notice the decreased velocity of Perkins early in the year, the decreased velocity of Hughes, Plouffe basically being a walking hospital visit this year, etc? I get players want to play and maybe Molitor is so stuck in his ways he adheres to that, but the job of a manager is to step in and tell guys when and when they cannot play through pain. Molitor has escaped a lot of the criticism this year, but he and his staff need to be catching a lot more heat than they are in the media. Not for the job he has done managing the team, it's true that even Joe Maddon or Bruce Bochy couldn't get this team to .500...but for the handling of injured pitchers and position players and his continued insistence on just taking macho, aggressive athletes at their word instead of doing what a manager should do sometimes--overruling a player.