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    WiesbadenDAN reacted to Axel Kohagen for a blog entry, Five and One, Baby.   
    It's Monday. The Twins aren't playing at the moment, but they're going to unload the war wagons and take on Detroit on their turf. The Twins have taken two series from divisional foes, and winning a third series would feel like a nice little start to somethin' somethin'.
    Five to one. That makes me pause for a second to remind people to appreciate The Doors like they ought to appreciate them. If you're going to roll down your car windows and drive down a rural highway this summer, you'd better play at least one song by The Doors while doing so. Personally, I recommend "Peace Frog."
    These Minnesota Twins, though. They've got that Cyberdyne-systems machine kind of feel. The bats spin the the diamond around, and then the tumblers align for a big blast from a terminating machine like Migueal Sano. This summer, that man is going to hit home runs Skynet won't be able to track.
    Of course, the pitching cog of the Twins Machine does raise an eyebrow or two. I think, if we're very lucky, the thing holds together just well enough that we hire a rent-an-ace in the playoff stretch. I'm sure, if we have any playoff success, this ace will then be offered way too much money to collapse and retire.
    Long drives with the window down, good music, and a team clicking and clacking their way to something to be proud of. This sounds like a summer worth having.
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    WiesbadenDAN reacted to myrie123 for a blog entry, Amazed at the sight of Target field   
    First of all I am not from Minnesota, but I am following baseball in USA and I cheer for Twins. So I am writing this as an outside fan.
    Last week I was in Minnesota and while there I just had to visit the Twins stadium! I've seen it many times on TV, but now seeing it with my own eyes, I must say I was amazed. I really liked it and I enjoyed the view. The great heights and just the mass of the stadium really put an impression on me. Moreover the screen on the top of the stadium looks really magnificent. I envy every Twins fan who can watch the matches live there.
    My trip did not simply end with the view of the stadium. Besides the standard viewing and drinking, I also saw noone else than Brian Dozzier in the city. He was in a car so I was unable to get a signature from him, but being able to see all that really made my trip amazing. Since he was in a car and I saw horrible dirty tires, I offered him to take care of his tire shine (I meant applying one of the things called tire dressings - like those). Well, at least I made him smile. My wife did not really care about that, but I just feel like I have to tell someone about my great experiences there.
    I hope this season will be successful for the Twins. I know I will certainly be watching and cheering at home. Sometimes I feel really sad that I am not from there so I could come and support the team in live.
    So to all the fans there who have the privilege to be there every match, I'd only say: you have no idea how lucky you are. You have an awesome team at an awesome place.
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