The matrix below shows the current standings, what those standings project for wins in 162 games and what the twins pace must be to match that win total. I do not think Chicago is a 90 win team and I believe 85 wins will win the division. The Twins will have to play .636 ball to get there though. Here's to hopin'. [TABLE] [TD=width: 86][/TD] [TD=width: 26, bgcolor: #E6E6FF]W[/TD] [TD=width: 26, bgcolor: #E6E6FF]L[/TD] [TD=width: 38, bgcolor: #E6E6FF]Pct[/TD] [TD=width: 41, bgcolor: #E6E6FF]Proj[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #E6E6FF]Twins pace to match[/TD] Chicago 47 38 .553 90 .701 Cleveland 44 41 .518 84 .623 Detroit 44 42 .512 83 .610 Kansas City 37 47 .440 71 .455 Minnesota 36 49 .424 69 .429 [/TABLE]