Everyone loves a dinger, and around these parts we've had plenty of them to admire this year. One thing that's pretty interesting is that the Twins are not only leading the league in home runs but also in runs scored per game (the bombas help, of course!). To better visualize how the Twins run scoring (and runs allowed stack up), this chart shows the per game averages for every team in the league. Any team above the dotted line has a positive run differential, every team below it is negative. In addition, each team's logo is also scaled by their winning percentage. Being in the top left of this chart is good - and no surprise the Dodgers and Astros are parked up there. Those teams have been elite both at scoring and preventing runs, hence their great records and status as World Series favorites. After that, its interesting to see how teams are grouped. The Twins and (gulp) Yankees look pretty similar by this measure - great hitting/mediocre pitching. Our next opponent in Boston also scores a ton, but their pitching has been worse by a good measure. On the flip side, you can see Cleveland and Tampa close together in the great pitching/mediocre hitting section. The A's are the only other team on the positive side of the ledger, somewhere in between those two poles. Feel free to take a look and see if anything jumps out (even on the negative side, some of those are scary). May also take a look at how the Twins have trended month-to-month in a future update. Data is through 9/1.