Technically, yes, it is your money. If you go to games. If you buy Twins merchandise. If you visit their webpage or assist them in fulfilling any other revenue stream. Your just forking over some of your hard earned cash to the Pohlads and Falvey to put a baseball team on the field. I'm intrigued by what this off season will bring. Based on early 2017 I expected a fire sale of more than just Kinzler at the deadline. Dozier, Escobar, Castro, Grossman, Molitor, Belisle...had the Twins hit the expectation levels set in March, probably none would be here now. Again, had results not been as good in 2017, I would have expected trades for young pitching talent. (see Indians rotation) As this year shows (34?), you can't have enough pitchers. And we still don't have enough, so what do they do? I would sign a veteran stop gap or two, but trade some young talented position players for more young pitching.