Plouffe is a good, but not great, player. His defense has really come along, and his bat -- while not perfect -- has been relatively steady the last few years. If they didn't have Sano or Rosario set to leave Plouffe without a regular position in the very near future, and if the Seager contract hadn't happened yet, then I would consider extending him. However, there's no way any player on the 25 man roster is currently worth a contract like Seager's. And that's what it might take to retain Plouffe for the long term. I wouldn't be opposed to the Twins approaching Plouffe with a 3-4 year contract offer and a warning that he's going to have to get to (and stay at) near all-star level form in order to keep his spot in the starting lineup. At this point I think the Twins would do well to wait and see how Sano and Rosario do in spring training. If they look anywhere near ready to go at the MLB level, I would start shopping Plouffe pretty aggressively. I would want at least a Trevor May-level return for him, and if I couldn't get it then I would have zero problem turning Plouffe into a rich man's Denny Hocking.