I don't know if I could rank these. There all pretty important. I'd rank Mauer's issues last. Mauer is a proven all-star so we know he deserves to be in the lineup. But Mauer could hit .400 and we would still be bad due to the other 4 problems. Mauer needs to fix Mauer. The Twins organization needs to fix everything else. 1. What Joe Mauer does from here is on his shoulders. Our coaches should be focused on improving the younger call ups. Mauer is an all star caliber player at his best. He should know his game to the point where he can make adjustments and train on his own. 2./3. I think these are closely tied together. We all know the Twins philosophy has been pitch to contact . This requires an all star caliber defense. Its possible there long term goal is sacrificing defense to get more power in the lineup. And that obviously requires less contact and more strikeouts. We are either bad at what we are trying to do, or waiting for the minor leaguers that fit this plan to show up. After 4 years of 90+ loses, either way, we are bad at what we are doing. 4. Home Field advantage comes with winning more and designing an organization towards winning games in a field you play majority of your season in. I watched the Home Run Derby this year and was shocked by the Twin's lack of right handed pull hitters. We have seen guys like Willingham, Dozier, and Plouffe take advantage for short stretches. Why do we not see more consistent hitters like this? 5. I think this has been the biggest difference between the winning years and these past 4. We seem lost in all aspects of the game. I'm not sure what to say about this. The organization knows how its developing players. So either they are trying to do something different that is still in development, or the players cannot execute what the Twins are teaching. Maybe its both. Its up to the organization to figure out why this is an issue. If they can't, its time to bring in new people.