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  1. "Cheryl" Crow over P.P. Arnold? Those are fightin' words, me boy. (Small Faces played on this track)
  2. It was a blast hanging with you and your old man, thanks again for the hospitality. I plan on returning to PR at least once a year.
  3. Just got back from watching this at a bar in Santurce. JJ Barea and Mark Cuban walked by around the 15th inning.
  4. "This ball is....GONE!!" (ball bounces off the lower portion of the wall)
  5. Oh it was a blast. Argued with some idiots in front of me talking ish about Mauer, ran around with my arm in the air when Doz was rounding the bases. I'm sure the Cleveland fans loved me there.
  6. I'm going to guess it's something to do with the hurricane sweeping through the Caribbean.
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