I don't necessarily mind the strategy, and I think part of the strategy is to see how "their" prospects progress. The wave of Buxton, Sano, and Kepler has been a disappointment save for a few month of 2017. However, I do lament that this "rebuild" is going on year 9 and it seems like we are always at the same spot each offseason. Not quite ready to seriously contend, but too much promise to blow things up. I wish their supplemental moves weren't so subtle, such as one year deals for guys needing a rebound. Someone like Andrew McCutchen I think would be a great fit. A clear leader, a mentor for the young outfielders (especially Buxton) and it would give the team so credibility league wide. Perhaps working a trade for Carlos Santana would be a good move as well, and I think that could be done by moving Jake Cave and a prospect or two.