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About SockNet

  • Birthday 03/25/1985

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  • Biography
    Other than the Twins I mainly watch MN teams for pride of state. I can watch baseball regardless of who's playing.
  • Occupation
    Customer Service


  • Interests
    Baaseball Cards, History Channel, Cooking, Amateur Baseball, Old Movies, and other stuff.

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  1. Odds Twins FO gets busted for tampering? Flavey to Giants. "Remember that pitcher we traded for that you knew had a bum arm? We got irrefutable proof. Back off Correa or else... Dun, Dun, Dun..." Falvey to Mets: "C'mon...C'mon..." No evidence. Just That feeling of disbelief in the circumstances that brought Correa back to the Twins.
  2. definitely logged in and definitely 8:06. Must be a T-Swift scenario
  3. Gleeman stated the need for OF help with all the injuries. I've read O'dubell Hererra and JBJ have been DFA's. I wonder if the Twins will be looking for these kinds of pick ups for some short term help?
  4. Provis and Gladden really make the strike zone for Twins pitchers seem small,
  5. Twins epitimise "best of the worst and worst of the best"
  6. Is everyone else shut out of mlb.tv too? even though it's the "free game of the day"?
  7. It is one thing to look for a pitch to drive. It is another to try to crush ANY pitch. I know for a rube like me it's easier said than done, but more often than not this year I've seen our batters go up WRISP with seemingly no plan and no awareness of who is behind them in the order. Watching Urshela's knees buckle and check swing into a week groundball 1-2-3 double play with bases loaded, no out, on a 0-0 offering earlier this year just killed me.
  8. Not sure if I should be infuriated that the Twins are .500 in this stretch against bottom feeders or happy this stretch of bottom feeders is while the teams health is in disarray.
  9. The way it feels is that the Twins have one (Ryan), maybe two(Gray) starters, and the rest have been treated as middle inning releif making every game a bull pen game. So no wonder the bullpen success starts to wane. I'm all for health and build up. But if we're a quarter way in, and healthy "starters" can only make it 3-4 innings, somthing needs to change. Maybe asking a healthy starter go 6-7 innings when their pitch counts are reasonable instead of yanking him just because the lineup turned over a second time. A third time through the order for Archer has to be just as bad as a completely taxed bullpen.
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