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Everything posted by Kobs

  1. I know I advocated strongly for making the move, and may have suggested it in the admin forum before the offer was made. My interest level was certainly waning for various reasons, and BYTO was dying the slow death that most forums endure; we were too lazy to create content to drive new traffic, and the entrenched user base scared off the few new folks we were getting. Most threads devolved into a tired argument between the same two or three people. I had fun creating some of the content that everyone is nostalgic about, and I'm glad that a lot of the discussion was able to move somewhere more sustainable. I don't have a lot of BYTO stuff stored, but I do have all the rank photos:
  2. It warms my heart that folks still think that they know better than Joe Mauer when it comes to hitting, and it's a good idea for major league players to attempt to "change their approach" depending on where they are in the lineup.
  3. Terry Ryan has been a poor general manager since the early 2000s. He knew how to operate in the old baseball world, but once people started putting in effort to gain a better understanding of the game, he's been awful. When Ryan came back, I basically gave up having any interest in the team. It was like a floundering company banning email and installing a bunch of fax machines. I couldn't put effort into supporting an organization so divergent from what I saw as the forward thinking path. Hopefully those days are over, and I can slowly come back to following the team.
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