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Everything posted by kydoty

  1. I'm glad to hear Bert is getting at Mauer for not making any adjustments when they shift him to the extreme left.
  2. Any other ballpark, and Sano has his third homer of the season.
  3. Lol, McCann threw his mask right in the direction of the ball.
  4. The ghost of Chris Farley found its way behind home plate in Chicago tonight.
  5. I'm sorry, but Buxton needs to get out of the three spot immediately.
  6. Fan interference. The umpires were determining where to place the runners.
  7. This always reminds me of a game years ago where in this exact same situation, the umpires said Jhonny Peralta, who at his best ran like his shoes were made of cement, would've scored.
  8. I cannot wait for the day Buxton's bat catches up with his glove.
  9. Mauer strikes out and some dude yells out "Two more years!!!"
  10. I know it will never happen, but I want mind the Twins playing an exhibition game or two at US Bank Stadium just for the nostalgia feeling. Hell, they could make it a charity event and I bet it would get a decent crowd.
  11. I joined the ESPN boards back in '99 when I was a pimply faced 16 year old. The first users I remember were rocketpig (Brock), jewscott and Kobs, and I was instantly hooked. And 18 years later, I still have not seen an internet community quite like it. Twins baseball brought us together, but the personalities we brought to the table meshed perfectly. And I think a lot of people who weren't there don't realize was that BYTO was created as a sort of sanctuary from the ESPN boards. BYTO might be seen as the Westworld of baseball forums, but ESPN was far worse. Unless you were doing something illegal, there was virtually nothing stopping you from causing mayhem there. So we wanted to preserve the spirit of the forum without the endless trolling that was interrupting the flow of conversation. Unfortunately, having an almost unfiltered forum even amongst your best e-friends cannot sustain itself forever. So I felt very fortunate that Brock was able to find us a forum with an acceptable compromise of sacrificing some sovereignty in favor of sustainability. But the same time, damn those were some of the best times on the internet. Therapists must love Statfreak. I've never known a person who can overreact to the tiniest thing to go wrong on a baseball diamond. Kobs might be in the top five of funniest people I've ever met over the internet. Dankind was funny until we suddenly realized that the nearly decade long act he was pulling wasn't an act at all. And there was yarnivek, aka manager at Country Kitchen in Winona, who seriously said that he could do a better job of managing the Twins than Ron Gardenhire if he had access to the same information he had.
  12. Someone briefly made their avatar a nipple and he genuinely asked if it was actually a nipple.
  13. The only thing missing from that debate was Godwin. Beyond that, it had everything. A heated debate over something that couldn't be proven and was absolutely pointless anyway, the political like absolutism that you must pick a side, posters (mostly Kobs and yarnivek) virtually wishing death on each other's families, etc.
  14. "It was dirt, not pine tar." We lost longtime posters over that debate.
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