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  1. Time for a stint in the minors for both him and Jeffers. Embarrassing performance out of the two of them. Start Austidillo back there until they get it figured out.
  2. At the time letting Rosario go was the best move. Kirilloff is making solid contact but just not finding the gaps. Twins have a back log of outfielders in the minors so between Kirilloff, Rooker and Larnach I hope they can make something work. Not surprised that a another prospect that comes up cant hit. The twins development in the minors is a joke both hitting and pitching. Starting pitching was not a strong suit last year so what changed for this year. Bullpen was an anchor to the team last year and we let 3-4 guys go.
  3. Nothing to lose bringing him up. Sano isnt hitting and playing first base is one of the easiest positions on the field. Kiriloff needs time and experience and consistent playing time. Consistency is not a word Rocco understands but this is the lift the twins need. Lets start developing players that actually have potential such as Rooker and Kirloff not Jake Cave who is close to 30 and cant hit his weight.
  4. Yes they have, in which we barely won last year. With the amount of talent this team has there is no reason they shouldn't be running away with the division and making some loud noise in the playoffs. This team is built to win now, entire team is aging. buxton sano kepler berrios not young anymore so no excuse for not living up to the potential they should be. Something has drastically happened with the hitting the last two years and getting no development out of our pitching throughout minor leagues
  5. Rocco should be fired immediately.... hasn't proven to win big games since he has been there. Tired of the lack of consistent lineups and bull pen usage decisions.
  6. I see what you are saying but cruz hits for better avg and would rather see him get more at bats than donaldson. IF sano could hit the ball i wouldnt mind seeing him bat 5th and kep 6th but isnt the case. Krilloff or rooker would be good to see in 5 hole also.
  7. Polanco is a decent hitter but Baldelli needs to see the writing on the wall he is slumping. Sano either needs to bat 8th or 9th or sit him. Cant keep putting him out there in the critical part of the batting lineup. Other thing, why is buxton batting behind cruz which is one of slowest guys on the team. Please stop playing jake cave....hes a triple a player at best 1. Arraez 2. Buxton 3. Cruz 4. Donaldson 5. Kepler 6 Polanco 7 Garver/Jeffers 8 Sano 9 Simmons
  8. Rooker to start the year, while they gain a year of service on Kirilloff. Arraez has very little outfield experience so he will most likely rotate in the infield. Twins have enough outfielders on roster or in the minors, no need to get only infield utility guy hurt. Give rooker the chance and experience this season, next season have a platoon of DH possibilities.
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