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About jctwins

  • Birthday 08/27/1977

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  1. I suspect they will be plentiful next year.
  2. Let's hope they find a way to consistently display the defense the way every other ballpark has for years and years now. It always blew my mind why they couldn't figure out why that mattered.
  3. In a way I enjoy being a fan of a terrible team more than a successful team. I always used to say I appreciated the people at Royals Day games on a Wednesday afternoon in 100 degree heat. That's analogous to this current train wreck of a team. It's far more fun than jumping on a bandwagon when a team makes the playoffs.
  4. Hey now let's see how this new trainer works out before we make any big moves!!
  5. Signing any talent at this point is just attempting to fake out the fan base. A waste of money. Trade all of your assets and hope for a 2025-2028 window at this point.
  6. Don't worry the FO will be sure to take credit for avoiding this mistake.
  7. The NFL makes more than any other league in part because they largely treat their players as disposable. Both during and after their careers. The owners are too powerful in the NFL, and the concentration among too few players is probably too high in MLB, but if MLB could get their revenue channels figured out (which they are remarkably inept at), they could be the model of balance.
  8. When AM radio is gone the idea of cell phone coverage will be done. These apps will either stay with you or stay with the car.
  9. Convincing Jimmy it's time to rebuild will buy them another five years in the org.
  10. Good point...we all kept hearing how much he liked it here...from sources that rely on getting information from people inside the Twins... /sarcasm
  11. Interesting. That was my original thought when I posted it but this completely makes the point.
  12. People continue to not understand that length of contracts is not what you expect to get out of the players in years, but managing cash flow for the team. Longer contracts (the same dollars stretched out over more years) actually help the owners, which helps the team.
  13. This. This. This. This. This. This. Did I say This?
  14. It's funny to see people here think Boras actually cares about what the Twins think. This was one year of leverage to park him and then put him on a national stage for a long term deal.
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