As a stranger, love and respect you Chief for your comments over the years... but still feel obligated to point out... "side of humanity" seems to be as selective as "black lives matter". But first, I am not diminishing nor am I against the quest to improve injustices in this world, including the plight of treatment for our fellow black citizens... - The NBA, and corporate goliaths in general, go to great lengths to protect their monetary interests in communist China with complete disregard to the "side of humanity" and human atrocities that regularly occur in that country. Side of humanity doesn't matter one bit as long as the money keeps flowing.... Right LeBron? - The reactions to atrocious misdeeds by morally defunct individuals often and regularly leads to further atrocious misdeeds as retribution or collateral damage to additional and equally "innocent" victims. Is the murdered black policeman a "side of humanity" and does his life not matter? - Do murdered 2 year old's in a stroller, and kids on the sidewalk represent a "side of humanity"? Never hear about these atrocities on the news too often, but happens exponentially more frequently than law enforcement atrocities. Seems just as concerning to me. - Do murdered babies in the womb represent a "side of humanity"? It's been going on a long, long time. Not trying to hijack or sidetrack this discussion, but I have a problem with the highly selective outrage that gets publicized. See if folks can follow this... there are a great many people that can't rationally distinguish between "Black Lives Matter" and "Black Lives Matter". Yes, they are typed out the same way. But one of them I agree with, and the other one is the definition of hypocrisy, as only politically expedient black lives truly SEEM to matter based on news coverage, social reactions and governmental response.