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LaBombo last won the day on May 13 2021

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    ...in a galaxy far, far away...

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  1. At the end of his call, it was almost like Bremer lost interest for a second while he went silent as he tried to figure out if it was gone or not.
  2. Seeing Ober about to close out the 6th with a chance to go 7 is the 2022 Twins' version of taking a no-hitter into the 8th.
  3. Ober with 54 pitches, 43 (!) for strikes, 5 scoreless innings on 1 hit and 7 K's. Somewhere in a parallel universe... a sane one... that line would add up to a better-than average chance of completing 7 or more innings.
  4. Glad to see the Twins putting together some offense, especially against Lance Lynn. Lynn owns a very respectable career 3.52 ERA and 122 wins. But for Twins fans, he's pretty much the guy at your work who everyone else likes but you'll always think of as the a-hole who threw up on your pants at the Christmas party.
  5. Ober continues to hold his 4.93 xERA at bay with everything but a whip and a chair to protect his 3.71 ERA.
  6. Great to turn on the game and see the Twins leading, but there was really only one way they could disappoint me tonight: time travel back to earlier today and sabotage the Gophers' win over Michigan State.
  7. We have plenty of pro sports teams to choose from that are sure to meet your needs for crushing disappointment.
  8. It looked like that at first glance, but on closer inspection it turns out that the Twins have just put their tails between their legs.
  9. Fanning on three pitches by a failed starter turned mop-up man... at least the Twins made the last out of the sweep in the most fitting way possible
  10. While it feels like the Twins are daring fans to care about the team as the season winds down, I'd like to think it's possible they're also daring ownership to just shrug off this season and last year as injury-plagued 'Hey, we'll get 'em next year!' blips on the radar instead of being concerned that it's something more troubling.
  11. "If asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks... He will never ask you again."
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