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Everything posted by Breekie18

  1. It's actually kind of funny what happens. When a MLB organization starts the process for a P1 Visa, the US government will give an order to a domestic investigation agency to do some research. Evidence must be profided of the existance and age of the player. This is because in countries like the Dominican a lot of age-fraud has happened. This agency should be approved by the CIA. So some employee of the investigation agency will then come to the players house and will gather proof of existance. How do you prove your existance? Well, first of all you need a birth certificate. Which is pretty understandable. In wealthy countries that's a pretty simple process. Apply for one by Internet and you will receive it by mail. In other countries this could be a complex process. Cause you have to go all the way to City Hall and even than there's no insurance that there will be a birth certificate. But that's not enough. As parents you must provide evidence that when the child was born, it stayed in your household since and that you raised him all his live. So we had to provide a picture of every year of his life where the 3 of us were on the picture. If we were not on pictures with the 3 of us, than we had to find pictures where we as father & son or mother & son were on. But these had to be related to the same moment. This meant that we had to dig in our holiday- & birthday pictures, which brought us through memory lane. Additionally to these pictures we had to provide class-pictures from kindergarten, primary school and secondary education. Nowadays luckily everything is digital. But there were some years when pictures where hardcopied and not all pictures survived through the years. Eventually we found them all. Furthermore the investigator interviewed our neighbours and some of the teachers of the schools where my son went. This was to prove that he really exists, lives where he says he lives and is who he is. In this case you may hope that these people co-operate or else the process takes much longer. After all the evidence is gathered, it is send back to the US and you have to wait for the approvement. When approved you can start the appliance with the US council. Between approvement and finally receiving the P1 permit it took about 4 weeks. The whole process about 3 months.
  2. If you're interested, I can describe the process for a newly International signee before the P1 permit is actually is approved.
  3. This absolutely a great progress. Tha adaption of this kind of approach will take a while. New technologies will make players better. Players get personal mealplans, weight lifting programs and development plans. Next step is to lift the monthly wages in the minors so they can keep up to these mealplans and nutrion plans. As soon as they leave the player development center they not always have much too spent on nutrion.
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