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Florida Loggerman

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  1. I hope Harper, and Gibson do not make the playoff roster, anybody but those two guys, and honestly, Perez isn't much more of a lock either, his 2ns half performance has been right down poor, so we truly are a 2 man starting situation, that is so scary, when the Astor's carry 3 #1's in Verlander (another 20 win season wow) Cole is insanely good and Greinke, we don't have one single pure #1 have to fix this issue and the overall pitching roster has to be blown up and totally reubilt after playoff defeat.
  2. most of this is on Gibson himself to ask to be taken off the roster now! He is very medically ill, and this has totally controlled his entire being along with not allowing him to be a average pitcher for the club. So, if Gibson doesn't tell the Twins to take him off the everyday roster so he can focus on his health, the Twins need to tell him after last nights debacle that he is being removed from the playing roster, and of course as well as not being on the playoff roster either. as far as next season, yes, I think he would be ok as a #4=5 starter, but how did that work out again for us thinking the exact same thing with Perez??? Perez was solid early in the season, but when the weather as well as the hitters heated up, Perez also has really struggled to be considered a option for brining back for next season. Gibson, No for next year, time to move on, Perez, I like him but just not enough to hold down a everyday pitching roster spot, I'd prefer to have the Littel's, Thorpe, Smeltzer, etc, play for youth, and that gives at least some future options, with Gibson and Perez, we already know both of these guys issues and for sure there struggles when the season is warming up and these arms are expected to at least make it through the 5th inning without putting his team behind early.
  3. I thought not pursuing and making a push for Marcus Stroman when he was availbe from the Jay's, was stupid on our part not to make that trade happen? he would have been a good fit here, wouldn't have broken the bank with a trade using a couple highly rated minor league players included in the deal. missing Stroman was nuts??? now were back to who???? do we not pay stupid money to sign with us?
  4. the key in my opinion is to get the owner to get off his tight wad bank acct.. and connect 100% with Falvey & Lavine, and go out this winter/spring, and put together a pitching roster that can compare or even compete with the current 2019 offensive roster. If this had been done over last off season, and even during and before the Aug 1st deadline, this club would have the pitching power that is needed to make this club a truly competitive team come Oct playoff time. Because, either the Yankmee;s with there power laden lineup, and suspect pitching, or even tougher, the Astro's with there "sick" starting 3 roation of Verlander-Cole-Grienke= is insane tough, plus the Astro's also have a super solid offensive roster pair with there finest starting pitching roation. so, fix the pitching roster big time, get Buxton healthy, pray that the playoffs won't be a blur and one and done again???
  5. trying to compete with just a bunch of kids out of the minors???? FO really is responsible for this kind of loss. Plus, I sure would have reather seen Mike pitch as deep as he could, he was dealing big time, get him into the 8th, and then let Duffey close it out. screw Romo, 36 and past his time he's lke Morin, McGill, Harper && Mejia, toast
  6. really solid input/update jokin! Telis would be a interesting update for Castro for sure, especially if he does continue to tear the cover off of AA A pitching. younger, way more offense, plus if he is solid defensively, win win opotion
  7. am I the only die hard Twins fan that has serious concerns over pretty much the entire current Twins starting pitching roster??? other than rehab Pineda who has truly done a good job recoving and pitching quite well, but other than him, the entire Twins starting roation the past 4-6 weeks has really struggled, and there a major concern in my opinion only? Again today, Jake continues with a attitude that is also some what concering, he did not pitch very well at all, and his statments post game like all of his past poor outings, is simply, no big deal, that' show baseball is, you don't allways pitch well and get all the breaks??? what the heck is he talking about, he is uncorking wild pitches like it's no big deal, it's almost identical too polanco and his horrrible defense efforts since the all star break. they behave and act like so what, it's a long season, I get that faat, but appears as if, since they are paid with for sure money, good bad or horrible, so what, win some lose some? just not very positive and in my opinion again only, I would rather see Jake totally PO;'d and mad as hades about his past outing, oh well, at this rate, the Twins will end up not even making the wild card, and the entire awesome year on the offense side will be for nothing, number, records big deal, blowing the lead we had and doing squat about it, before the season started, during the season, before the ?Aug 1st deadline, just sit on our butts and dream that this current starting rotation is good enough to get us to the games that matter???? not sure that's going to happen, not with this weak rotation. we will see, I think we have what, 6 more games against the Tribe, that will probably be the winner takes it all home?
  8. I'm really surprised how the big man Michael Pineda has recovered from almost what, 1 1/2 years from major arm surgery, and has really pitched very well since I think some time in May? It's been a huge difference from the other starters who have really struggled especially since the all star break. with out Pineda coming off his last IL stinit, and again doing really descent again this evening, he got into the 7th I think, which is really what we hope and need from all the Twins starters, now if Jake can put toghether a gem tomorrow afternoon, to get us ready for the mid week match up with the Tigers, let's get er done Jake, spin us win tomorrow, let the Twins get out front with the lead early, and get into the 6-7th innng and hope the combo of Dyson-=Romo-May-& Rogers can continue to close the games out for a much needed win.
  9. it's a easy formula for losing? poor starting pitching at best. error's every where almost every game, and relief staff that simply takes turns losing games that we can ill afford to lose. bingo Since June 2nd, this team is poor, at almost all things other than having a offensive line up that never gives up, but does not have the Karma for walk off wins, again today, 3 walks, a hitter you want in that situation, Cron, routine fly out, formula for missing the playoffs at this steady rate. watched the entire game on You Tube, wanting to believe that the pitching would not fail us again??? the minute Romo's pitch left his hand, I said, Flat, nothing on the pitch, say bye bye, a no doubter on both the horrible placement by Romo, and the kid simply hit a pitch that had home run written on it before it left his hand. Power being wasted on a daily basis. wonder how long the offense can keep the horrible pitching close to the Tribe, why did Dyson only get to fact the 3 outs/ just got back, looked oK, and done,
  10. 1 simple question:? what did we sign Romo for if were not going to call on him to close some of these huge games? like again in todays brutal loss. Rodgers has also been struggling big time the past 2 weeks, so, in todays game, wouldn't Romo been a better choice to come in and give the Twins a different look against the hot hitting tribe as a closer or at least to allow a shot at getting the Tribe out in the top of the 10th, and maybe making the final walk off in our bottom of the 10th? dang man, too many key decision making plays that have really come back to kill the team. Not using Garver behind the plate in the Gibson start, stat's numbers show Garver has Gibson pitching considerably better than when Castro is catching, don't get it, supposed to be a stat & numbers mgr, yet doesn't go with the numbers that state, Garver is the best option when Gibson is on the mound. same with not starting Cron in game #1? great defensive 1st baseman, and had 19 hr's and 58 rbi's and Cron's on the bench?? why
  11. was not feeling well, laying down fighting the aml pain, woke up with the Twins down 3-2, took a shower, saw we had come back to tie, but did not see the dumb decision by the 3rd base coach? we tied and Adrianza appeared to be out by a country mile?? what in the world is the 3rd base coach thinking? he had to be viewing the near perfect1 bounce double off the wall and a near perfect fielding job by the LF, hit the relay man spot on, and then, out by a huge distance, wasn't there only 1 out at the time Gonzalez hit the double off the LF wall, so if Adrianza had been held at third, it's still 3-3? and we have bases loaded and only 1 out, is that correct??
  12. Plus, in total agreement that it's proving out that over all, this entire pitching staff is truly not very good at all. The early splash with huge success with both Perez and Jake, have totally flipped to the not so good quickly, and Berrios is for sure been the most consistent, but he too, when he's a little off, he truly struggles no matter who he faces. still he is only what, 25 years old, I think I lot of it is between his ears, and time and experience will be the only teacher to get him to be the possible stud he is physically capable of, if he don't get his mind right, he could struggle for a long time coming, hope not, but we all have seen it happen before.
  13. Amen, spot on input 3balls, May, amazilgly pitched 1 total pitch, ended up getting the dang win? what?? and just as 3 balls stated matter a factly above, May threw one pitch, had not pitched for a quite a while, rested to say the least, there was nothing but another rookie mgr mistake. Leave the vet arm in, if he flops, fine, try who ever, but pulling May after 1 pitch to end the 7th inning. same with the 1st insert of Dyson, totally stupid on Roco's part, the man flew 12 fricking hrs. talk about serious jet lag, big time. Dyson should have been held back until this weekend, give him time to settle in, where that is being he just arrived in Minny on Thursday I believe. but, concern over Dyson, heck yes, if he was so good at san Fran, what's the deal, simple tired and not sure where he or his head is at. totally justified.
  14. ALCS: Astro's Starting Rotation: Verlander-Greinke-Cole Twins Starting Rotation: Berrios- ?-? not good, not good at all. it's not easy being a life time Twins fan, since the TK Tom Kelly ear, it's been slim pickin's big time hard to think Big when the Twins FO always plays the Cheap Retread Route, it is what it is, like we expected anything different from a Pohlad ownership.
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