Was just curious, being a Type 1 myself, why it was such a red flag. Never pitched above the townball level, so obviously my workload would be maybe 10% of that of a minor leaguer, and wanted to hear why others considered (or what they had heard from others) it such a big red flag. Are there some things we deal with that others don't have to? Absolutely, but to turn that (and this is all on an individual basis), I'd tend to believe that some prepare their bodies even better than some non-diabetics due to the physical and nutritional requirements that can be so instrumental in managing the disease. Obviously adds another dynamic to scouting a ballplayer and wondering if it's an obstacle they can overcome. (In my experience, it's caused me to be more diligent in my life in every aspect) Anyway, don't want to turn the forum into a Webmd page on my 2nd post. Been a lurker for a couple years now and finally joined, looking forward to getting to know some of you.